When they're sick 😵

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How's life goin- 👁👁

How would they act when they're sick? 🤔



Sunny acts relatively the same. He's quiet and clingy, almost never letting you out of his sight and probably infects you with his germs almost immediately so you can't pull the 'We can't be affectionate because you're sick' excuse. He then cuddles you for the rest of the day and if you don't, he'll give you a hard time in more ways than one.


Basil is embarrassed that you're seeing him in such a state and feels horrible that you're helping him out. Yes, you did offer to help out Polly but he stills feel like you're being forced to do it because you're dating him.  He also tries to distance himself from you so you don't get sick which leads to him carving your attention when he's feeling better. Obviously he wouldn't tell you that and stick with suffering in silence but hopefully you'll catch on and give him the attention he deserves.


Aubrey won't let you take care of her at all. She probably won't even let you into her room for that matter. She'd feel horrible if she got you sick but if you ask her she'd say something along the lines of 'I don't feel like wasting my weekend taking care of an idiot like you' or something like that.


Hero is such a baby when he's sick! He always wants your attention and he's quick to whine when you have to leave him. He also can't do anything by himself which leads to you doing everything for him. ( Spoon feeding him, getting him things out of reach, even feeding him his medicine ) It'll definitely annoy a few of you but hey, when he's better, you can always get him back for this. Remember, revenge is your friend.


Kel is kind of annoying to deal with when he's sick because majority of the time spent being sick he's either whining or being everywhere except in bed. He's just so dang bored! You can't blame him for wanting to be out and about! So what if you get a little sick by the end of this? He'll ( attempt to ) take care of you!


Mari appreciates your efforts but tries her best to distance herself from you in order to not get you sick. If you really, really want to, she may let you help her but that's a big might. She also tries to do everything by herself, ( which in the end worsens her health ) leaving you to scream and fuss at her to get in the bed before she collapses. She's quick to brush off your attempts but if you really try, she'll lay down for short while. ( She's starting to feel a little lightheaded anyways )


Polly really does try to take care of herself but since she's so weak and dizzy, she ends up losing consciousness. Cue you walking in for your weekly visit.

You: "Polly? Poooolllyyyy? ..Oh my fucking gosh she fucking dead."

After calling a doctor and realizing your girlfriend is not, in fact, dead, you opted with staying by her side and doing everything for her. She was extremely embarrassed about the whole thing but she's happy that you care so much about her!


Kim would lock herself in her room and starve to death before she ever let you see her in such a weak state. She refuses all help you try to give her and only relies on her mom and brother. Buuuttt if you wanna bring some get better soon candy over, she'll open the door and maybe let you stick around for a little.


Mikhael is like Hero but ten times worse. He's whining to you all the time, not giving you even a moment to sit down and rest. Not only that but he always wants you by his side. When he's sick, there's no such thing as personal space or time to yourself. It just doesn't exist to him when he's like this.


Thank you all so, so much for 25k on this book!!! I really appreciate ya'll! 🥺🖤

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