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The rules are simple...

1) The entries should be an One shot OS

2) It can be any ITV leads of your choice ...MoRan, Devakshi, Anuseena,Sairat, Sidsa to name a few...or a general lead of your choice , even historic figures are allowed...choose your you desire

3) The Os should to be sent to me by   email ( so that the identity of the writer  is preserved for fair judgement...

4) Follow me .

5) Add this book for further information

6) Entries should be submitted by 31 of May

7) You cannot publish your Os in your account until results are out...for fair judgement...after that you are free to publish it needless to say

8) you can choose any topic and write in any genre horror murder myster romance anything...

9) Your email id will never be revealed.

10) You can reply to the comments on your os once the results are out!!! Until then you are not allowed to respond as it would reveal the author.

11) You can write for any no. Of words there is no restriction....

12) Avoid songs and pics.

13) Fill in the forms that comes in the later parts to participate.

14) Entries and forms both are accepted till 31th May.

15) Do give a shoutout on your page

Important: While you email me the os please mention your username as in the Wattpad in the email ...

And the stories will be published in any order ...

You can promote the book  in your account you cannot mention your os order.

Hope rules are clear ...

Os Competition IIWhere stories live. Discover now