Entry 3

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Title: You broke me
Leads: Abhimanyu and uttara
Genre: Romance...

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Tiny droplets of rain hits the barren land as blanket of darkness started to overlap in horizon sun rays steadily fading in darkness. Abhimanyu stared at the steady figure of his wife as she dapped a shawl across her shoulders . The melodious sound of rain droplets resonated through surrounding abhimanyu smiled at his wife as she shivers due to the cold breeze that blew past through their cheeks . It felt like tranquility washing over them as abhimanyu & uttra sat under the shade near the river bank enjoying the last moment of sanity that they were getting before war .

Decked up in blue lehanga pearl necklace adorning her she looked extremely beautiful and as abhimanyu gazed through his corner of his eyes he could see despite of fake smile there were twing of sadness reflecting in her eyes . He inches closer to her as their shoulders touching water dripping through their hairs and drenching them as uttra leaned her head in his shoulder . As the cold gust of wind blew past from abhimanyu & uttra as with the wave of wind realisation cans to struck them that soon war will began .

They didn't know that when again they will get a chance to sit together like this and let them sanity washing over them .

"I always craved for my father love mata used to say that my father and all his brothers with badi maa were residing in forest and she always inspired me to fight against injustice that happened with them since that only i invested my energy in making myself a brave warrior who can be his father sheild " Abhimanyu spoke with tears sneaking through her eyes several resounding memories make their way .
Uttra felt an ache in her heart as she listens all his tales the lost childhood was something which no one can return to him and suddenly she felt empathy enveloping in her heart for her warrior husband .

"I always feared as war was nearing that maybe i will lost you Arya that fear is natural of every warrior wife but I can't afford loosing you ."
Tear slipped from corner of uttra eyes as the mere imagination of loosing her husband was enough to sends chills in her body .

"Promise me uttra if something happened to me then you will not destroy your life you will live it and i promise to be with you always maybe not as your husband but in some other form "

As uttra rest buried herself in his crook of chest abhimanyu wrapped his arms around her enveloping her in his warmth and that moment was like eternity for both of them .

They sat there like this fears washing away in that rain creating the last memory together .

Sun shoon upon them proclaiming the call for war .

Uttra timidly opens her eyes as she stires in her sleep as weird sensation of pain can be felt in her body . She squeezes her palm being frustrated with her helplessness age slowly get up and leaned towards the bed and shut her eyes several memories came striking st the back of her mind and the most painfull was .

Abhimanyu death

It was harsh truth but she has to accept it being a wife of great warrior as well as daughter in law of pandava clan her shoulders were already burdened with the responsibility of their upcoming heir as she carrases her belly motherly feeling envelopes her and hope flickers in her heart that still she has some motive to live her life . Drapping a shawl across herself uttra departs from her camp as she walked aimlessly near the banks of river Ganga .

Her heart racing with anxiety as fear gripped her while sitting alone in the darkness she realises that this loneliness will going to accompany her in whole life as she hugged her knees finally her tears dripped down from her cheeks as she felt if her heart was tired in pieces .

Admist all the chaos & sadness gripping through her heart uttra realises that now she was bestowed with new opportunity. As a mother now she need to be strong for her unborn child last sign of her late husband .

"You broke me Arya "

As finally she let out her pain just four words slipped from her mouth as everything was silent night seems to long for uttra starring at the shimmering water of river Ganga she felt all resounding memories played at the back of her mind .

Nothing remains just broken chords of two souls who are far from each other as darkness started to increase uttra all fear & agony overshadowed by her upcoming responsibilities and soon that night became more heavier than her heart .


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