When Rain Comes Along

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" Rain, rain, go away. "

They sing again for another day.

Yet when I feel the raindrops fall on my face,

I feel comforted as the odd feeling washes away.

I've grown used to this feeling, over the years.

Never have I grown accustomed to the joyful cheer,

Of my heart, yes my heart, only used to grief and fear

The way I relived it all again as from my eye drops a tear.

I miss you deep down inside this heart of my own,

I just don't understand why you had to leave me alone.

I feel every inch of me growing colder to the bone,

As the memories of you came at me like stones.

As the wind blows, making the wind chimes ring,

As they hang on solely by a tiny little string,

The children run about playing pirates and king,

All while lifting their little voices to sing.

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