Haven - Part 6

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     Lirenna was still pulling up weeds when Master Gammon, another of their neighbours, came for them.

     He was a leatherworker who owned a small shop in the town and he was one of the people who knows everyone. One of those who loved to spend endless hours chatting, learning everything there was to know about everyone he met. Thomas heard their conversation through the open study window and came out to greet the fat, cheerful, red cheeked man and keep him entertained while his wife popped back inside to tidy herself up and change into clean clothing. He invited him inside and offered him a slice of apple pie, which he accepted eagerly, his eyes widening with delight. He was just finishing it off when Lirenna appeared again, wearing her favourite flowery dress.

     "Now I can greet you properly without getting your clothes all dirty,” she said, giving him a hug. "What a surprise! We were just saying it was about time we paid you another visit, weren't we?"

     “Every day we don’t see you is a day lost,” beamed Master Gammon. “I trust you are both well, and your wonderful child as well?”

     “We’re all very well,” replied Thomas. “All the better for seeing you. And your own family? We heard some wonderful news from Mistress Fenwell, that you’re expecting another child?”

     “Indeed!” replied the leatherworker, his grin widening even further. “The Gods have blessed us again. I’m sorry that you heard it from a third party. You should have been one of the first that we came to tell…”

     “Nonsense!” cried Lirenna, though, flapping her hands at him dismissively. “You have so many friends, and everyone loves to talk about you. You would have had to run up here the moment you heard the news yourself to prevent us hearing it from someone else.”

     “You are too kind,” replied the leatherworker, bowing his head. “She suspected some weeks ago, but we kept it to ourselves until we were certain. She is due in the first month of winter, just after the harvest festival. We are hoping for a second daughter. II’m not sure what we’d do with a sixth son.”

     “I know what you mean,” said Thomas, smiling. “We find just the one a bit of a handful.”

     They spent several minutes more on trivial pleasantries, enquiring after one another's families and offering wishes of continued happiness and wellbeing. Master Gammon had a large family with five brothers and seven sisters, over a dozen uncles and aunts and over twenty nephews and nieces, not to mention his own wife and children. Any conversation with him, whether it was a chance encounter in the street or business dealings in the shop, always commenced with a thorough update on each and every relative and he had an easy way of talking that meant that no-one ever got bored or impatient listening to him.

     The two wizards, who'd had almost perfect memories even before they'd been taught several mental disciplines to improve them even further, now felt, therefore, that they knew his family even better than he did and they were able to use that knowledge to pre-empt his repetition of details he'd gone into during their last meeting.

     Such tactics weren't necessary this time, though, as the tubby leatherworker seemed to be in a hurry to put the formalities behind him and get to the point of his visit. Thomas and Lirenna glanced at each other and shared a secret smile.

     "There, erm, there seems to be something going on in Daisywell Meadow. I'm not sure what. There seems to be a large crown of, er, people, gathering down there, and a tent going up, or something. What do you think it could be?"

     "Something going on?" said Lirenna in wide eyed innocence. "Why. I've got no idea."

     Thomas, however, had gone as white as a sheet. Daisywell Meadow! The largest area of common land this end of the valley! By the Gods, he has invited half the drassing valley! I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen herself turns up as special guest of honour! Oh Gods, what am I going to do?

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