The Assembly - Part 5

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     "As you can see," said Saturn, "our ship, which is already under construction, is small compared to the alien ship, but that is an advantage as it may enable it to slip in and out of their territory unnoticed."

     He spoke more words and the alien ship vanished, while the small globular ship expanded, parts of its hull becoming transparent to reveal its interior. It consisted of two concentric shells, the inner one divided into a top and a bottom half. The top half of the inner sphere was a single open space containing what looked like a shayen dwelling tree, its branches brushing the hemispherical ceiling on which an illusion spell created the image of a dense forest topped by a brilliant blue sky.

     The bottom half, on the other hand, was divided into rooms and corridors by floors and bulkheads. It was obvious that the lower half was to be inhabited by humans and the top half by a much smaller number of shae folk; the tree and the illusory sky being needed to counter the terrible claustrophobia to which their race was prone. The space between the inner and outer shells was largely empty except for various items of furniture and equipment attached to the walls, and it was inhabited by creatures that looked like intelligent, large headed monkeys, floating as if underwater. Thomas and Lirenna recognised them as moon trogs, and deduced that their part of the ship would be without gravity.

 Thomas and Lirenna recognised them as moon trogs, and deduced that their part of the ship would be without gravity

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