I hate you

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I hate my own mother 

There's good reasons why 

she's just  bitch

She cares if I'm wearing a jacket 

but she doesnt care for my fucking mental health 

they grounded me today 

for wearing a jacket

a jacket on which ive worn multipule occasions

my father said it was disrespect towards myself

I hate this 

I only want pain it seems like 

pain would solve everything

If i died they wouldnt care 

I need something to get my mind off everything


is anyone there? 


My friends would be here surely  

They care 

... dont they..?

why am i like this?

ive always been so nieve 

thinking that my own friends would come and help me out of my darkest moments 

It only worked once 


out of the hundreds of times they tried to help me 



i should just end it here 

no one would care 

no one would

they are all to busy watching their own devices to care about me 


help me 

i want out of this 


please im begging you

I want out of this 

im sorry everyone 

Im sorry i wasnt a good friend like i set out to be 

im sorry 

im sorry

im sorry

im sorry 

please forgive me 

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