Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of the story will mostly be told from Leo's POV. A few parts will be told from Brooke towards the end. Just thought I would give you a heads up. Oh and this is an early update jus because I'm happy and you guy reading are awesome. By the way this is dedicated to realstories101. Thanks for the name suggestions  

Leo's POV

I woke Katherine up at nine o'clock. We'd stayed up late last night watching the videos our teachers sent us to learn. We completed homework and sent it by email.

I made some scrambled eggs and poured orange juice for breakfast. "Did you take your vitamin?" I ask her when she comes in. She nods at me and starts to eat.

Today she's wearing a soft yellow shirt and a long, cotton gray skirt. It went all the way down to her ankles. I could even see the small bump on her stomach.

"Are you excited to see your family?" Katherine asks as we walk to the car. I help her down the stairs gently. I smile when I start to think of all of them. "Yeah, I think you'll like the girls'. They're all very different." Katherine eyes me for a second. "How many people will be there?"

"Uncle Henry and Aunt Brie, which is whose house we're going to. Then there's Aunt Maggie, she's really nice. She's also the middle child out of the three sisters. Maggie's son, Cameron, he's ten years old. Don't ask about his dad. And my cousins, which are Brie and Henry's children. Zach is the oldest and his girlfriend Callie is coming. Then there's Taylor and his girl, Frankie. And the youngest Sammy, her boyfriend will be there. Plus my mom will be there, of course." 

She took a minute to digest. "Big family you got there. So, none of your cousins are married?" I shook my head. "The oldest, Zach is 22 and his girlfriend is only 19. I know that he wants to marry her but her mom thought that she was too young. He decided he'd wait a few more years. But I mean, what's the rush you know?" Katherine shrugs, "Anything can happen though." I nodded, "True." What she said made a lot of sense. It made me think of the bracelet I have yet to give her.

"I have something for you," I blurt out before I think. Katherine raises an eyebrow. "It's in the glove compartment."

She opens the compartment and I bite my lip. Will she like it? I stare at the road nervously. Suddenly I feel lips on my cheek. "Aw, thanks Leo." I smile happily as I drive.

"We'll be there in like 30 minutes," I say to her. She nods and gazes out the window.

"Leo!" I spot Sammy running towards us. I grin and give her a hug. Zach and Taylor give me bear hugs as well. I kiss their girlfriends' cheeks. "My little pudding cup!" I groan as Aunt Maggie comes over and squeezes my cheeks. "Oh, move your big caboose," Aunt Brie whines. Her and Henry hug me. I see my mama and I hug her tight. I look back at Katherine, she's standing there awkwardly.

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