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6 months later...

"I'm going to miss you," Finn said. I put in the last box and shut the trunk. I smiled at him sadly. Behind him Brooke held October and Storm. They called him by his middle name so people wouldn't confuse baby Finn with adult Finn.

I hugged Finn again and walked over to the kids. I kissed their foreheads and then Brooke's cheek.

"I'm going to miss it here too. I just think that Sebastian and I need a fresh start. Away from all of the memories and stuff," I said.

"You better visit on Holidays and send pictures. Call all of the time too," Mom said. She was holding Sebastian and his baby bag. I grinned at my son and held my hands out.

"Look at you, say bye, bye, baby," I said in a baby voice as I took him in my arms. Mom

reached out and hugged me, careful not to crush Sebastian.

"Visit, I mean it. If you need anything just call me. I will drive at any hour," Mom said.

"I will," I assured her.

They acted like I was moving across the country. I was just moving six hours away to a town where no one knew me. It was a good place with a good school system around the area that I was renting at. I had already been planning even though Sebastian hasn't even turned one yet.

I just didn't want to turn into one of those helicopter parents where they constantly check on you and make sure that everything is fine. Plus all of the rules and cautiousness. I was going to try to be laid back when Sebastian gets older but you never know what will happen.

"And no getting a girl pregnant. You already have Sebastian. This time why don't you date a girl for a few years before having a child with her," Mom suggested.

"It wasn't my fault about Sebastian. Kathy was inseminated," I said.

"Let's stop talking about that around children," Brooke said

"We better get going if we want to make it there before sun down," I said. I put Sebastian in his seat and made sure he was strapped in. I then hugged everyone tight one more time.

"I love you guys," I said when we did a group hug.

"Bye," I yelled out of the window of the car. As I pulled out of the apartment parking lot I could see them waving wildly. I waved once last time before driving off into our future.

The baby lesson did what it was supposed to. I think that I have grown in some way. I have learned to love and loose. I love my son. I can't wait to start fresh. The baby lesson has done it's job and I'm glad.

The end...for now.

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