Prepare For Rebirth...

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After a quickie in the shower followed by cleaning up in the shower and getting dressed into their kingsman suits, Y/N and Yelena arrived on the plane, Price arrived with them and shook his head.

"Fuckin hell, horny bastards." Price said as Y/N chuckled.

"No idea what you're on about." Y/N said as he walked up to his seat with his gear on it in a bag.

"Yeah, right. Still, it's about time you had a good shag." Gaz said as he walked past chuckling while Y/N looked offended.

"Oi, don't start that rumour again!" Y/N warned as Gaz smirked.

"I don't-"

"I put the word around on base that Y/N was a virgin, that was when a certain Russian redhead decided to help him with that issue, no one tried taking the piss after that, he was the envy of the base, so technically I helped you out there mate." Gaz explained as Y/N shook his head.

"Nat is my sister." Yelena said as Gaz instantly looked guilty.

"Fuck. Lena, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again." Yelena said as she nodded to Gaz who joined Price.

Y/N and Yelena put on their parachute packs and got their equipment ready for the mission, as the rest of 141 arrived, Y/N was going the last minute checks on everything as Yelena and Laswell talked to one another, with Laswell telling some embarrassing of Y/N from when he was a kid and she met him when she visited Price.

"So how did you and Price meet?" Yelena asked as everyone shook their head.

"Don't bother with that one luv. It's a different story every time." Ghost said as Gaz chuckled to himself.

"So far I've heard a poker game, a football game-"

"We met at a soccer game." Laswell said everyone turned at the same time.

"It's football." They all said in unison, making Laswell laugh.

"Works every time." Laswell remarked as the team all continued their preparations.

"Wheels up in ten, people." The pilot said over the radio. Y/N reappeared from the cockpit and looked around.

"Okay, we parachute onto the island and move throughout it looking for Adler, was take him in, alive. I want to kick the shit out of him and my wonderful Russian friend here wants to the cunt, so it's capture. We need to know what he's up to." Y/N said as everyone nodded. "Then prepare for deployment."

The plane began to take off and Y/N went to sleep, catching some rest until they got close to the island...

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