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Um so yay let's start ig


George always looked forward to summer. As a student he took it as a time to relax from school. Maybe hangout with friends or travel places for vacation. But this summer is drastically different from George's usual break. This one involves sad goodbyes and a whole lot of stress. And well, George isn't too happy about it.

See, right now George's whole life is being flipped upside down. It's the beginning of summer and he's being forced to move to a new country away from his friends and the home he's known all his life. On top of that, his girlfriend just broke up with him because she didn't want to have a long distance relationship. Reasonable, sure, but still terribly heartbreaking. You can really imagine how George feels as he's packing up the last of his things and getting ready for his flight to Florida. He thinks his life is over at this point and isn't ready to even try to make new amends in another place. But little does he know life in Florida is definitely worth far more than what he has to give up in England.

197 words

Homesick [dnf lol]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora