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"Mom! Are you sure you have all of the bags?" George yelled through the door way
"I think there is still a suitcase in my room. Could you grab it honey?" His mother responded "Sure" he replied with a sigh. He slumped up the steps toward the master bedroom of the house. Looking around at the now empty rooms and once lively walls covered in pictures and art that are long gone gave him a sense of sadness that he'd never felt. Everything, or rather the absence of everything, made him feel so alone and he hated it. He hated having to leave everything behind. He hated being left alone with no one to go to or find comfort in. Hated everyone who left him alone. But most of all, he hated himself for being alone.

George grabbed the small suitcase in the center of the room and with one last glance he made him way out of the house. George didn't take a moment to breath and stare at the now bare house like his parents did. He eagerly got into the car and turned on his music. He was ready to get out of there and hopefully erase this off putting loneliness he felt. At least he wanted to be ready.

George didn't think boarding the plane that would take him from his home would be all that difficult, but he now knows how stupid he was. As he was walking down the gateway he couldn't help but frown even more than he was before they had gotten to the airport. He looked over the seats with dread not wanting to be in a cramped plane traveling to somewhere he didn't want to go. Reluctantly, he walked up the aisle hoping to find a seat with neighbors that looked bearable. He came across and row with a window seat and middle seat open and a kind looking lady in the aisle seat. He politely asked to sit in the window seat and the woman graciously accepted. She moved to make space for him and he quickly sat down; not wanting to hold up the people boarding behind him. Once seated, George tried to get comfortable as he silently wished for no one to sit next to him. He pleas were not answered. A couple minutes later a young man around his age with dirty blonde hair and freckle dusted cheeks took the seat next to him. On instinct George looked towards the man and instantly regretted it. He felt his face become ever so slightly hotter as he made eye contact with the boy. "Hi I'm Clay. Is it alright if I sit here?" The blonde asked with a small smile. It took all of George's strength to muster up an answer. "Of course. Who am I to tell you no." The words came out with an unintended huff as he turned to face the window. George felt bad for giving this Clay that kind of attitude and immediately turned around to apologize, but the blonde was already speaking to the lady on the other side of him. George felt that it was rude to intrude in their conversation, so he just kept quiet. He decided there would be a better time to apologize.

A little ways into the flight, the flight attendants came around to take drink orders. George had his headphones on and was completely oblivious. He felt a gentle tap on his shoulder and turned his head away from the window. The same man from before, or Clay, was trying to get his attention for the flight attendant. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'll have a ginger ale please." George said quickly making sure not to disrupt the flow any longer. "You're fine sweetheart." The flight attendant said with a smile while scribbling down the order and moving on to the next passenger. George then focused his attention to Clay who was in the midst of putting his airpods back in. "Thank you and I'm really sorry for earlier." George said quietly, which is not ideal for an airplane atmosphere. "Hm?" Clay responded take one airpod out of his ear. "Never mind it's nothing!" George responded in a panic; silently cursing himself as he did so. "Alright." Clay shrugged as he continued to listen to or watch whatever he was before. For the rest of the plane ride George tried to gather the nerve to apologize to the man next to him, but every time he tried Clay would either not hear or George would chicken out before any response was given. The entire ride George kept beating himself up over it. This guilt he was carrying was not helping with his homesickness and the emotional trauma he was going though right now. He knew he needed to get it off his chest.

As everyone was exiting the plane George made and effort to talk to Clay. He marched up the gateway and shortly followed the blonde. He then just went for it and tapped Clay's shoulder. Clay turned around a little startled but settled at the sight of the brunette. "Hey, uh, sorry for what I said at the beginning of the flight. I know I came off a little rude, but I promise I didn't mean too! You really seem like a cool person and I feel guilty." George said simultaneously getting quieter as he spoke. "No worries, uh.." he tried off "Oh! My name is George sorry" George said at the beat of silence. "No worries George! I honestly didn't take it harshly. I'm flattered that you think of me that way. I think you're a cool person too. I also enjoy playing Minecraft." Clay said with a chuckle. George blushed at the confession that the blonde had been watching a bit of his gameplay. "If I could get your number maybe we could play together sometime?" George didn't know why, but he seemed to like that idea way too much. "Of course!" He said a little to quickly for his taste "Here." He said as he handed his phone to the blonde. Clay did the same and George smiled as he typed his phone number in. "I'll talk to you later then George." Clay said with a wink as he started to walk off. "Bye" George simply said with a stupid grin and hint of blush on his face. Why was he so happy? Why did he wink like that? It was just a new friend. Or could it potentially be more?

1089 words
WOO first actual chapter :,)

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