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George was lying alone in his room, overthinking. His mind raced though every potential outcome for the night he had planned with Clay. He wished he could say that it would just be a platonic meeting, but he knew that was a utter lie. George knew it was dangerous to get his hopes up for the evening. He knew that what he wanted wasn't going to become a reality and he didn't know if he could handle the truth. He didn't know if he could face the reason for these feelings.
Though reluctantly, George did get up to changed for the outing. He slumped to his closet and picked out a comfortable outfit seeing as he would be watching movies all night. Don't get him wrong he was looking forward to the movie night, he just could come to terms with his unreciprocated feelings. He heard a ding from his phone on the bed side table and walked over to it while playing with his hair.

I'm here

I'm coming

George ran down the stairs after putting his shoes on and grabbing his chapstick. He opened the door to a surprised Clay at the bottom of the porch steps that seemed to have tried to greet him at the door but ended up failing. "Oh um hi." George said as he stood in the doorway of his new house. "Hello! I was going to meet you at the door, but you beat me to it." Clay said walking the rest of the way towards George. "C'mon! We have a movie night to watch!" Clay said and he linked his arm with George's and walked to his car. George couldn't help but smile at the bubbly feeing he got at the physical contact with Clay. He didn't want to sound clingy but if he could hold onto Clay forever he would. They separated to get into the car and George's smile didn't even falter. He was happy. But why?

Once inside Clay's house, George was met with a furry presence on his leg. "Oh George, meet Patches!" Clay says with a soft smile. George bent down and picked up the cat and hugged her close. He seemed to find comfort in her purrs. It reminded him of his old cat from England. George felt his heart pang at the thought of London, but he was determined to try and enjoy his time here in Florida. Even if it was only for Clay's sake. "Well, everything is set up in the backyard if you want to go out there and get comfortable. I was just going to be some snacks." Clay said as he headed off to the kitchen. George nodded and walked further into the house finding large french doors leading to the backyard. He stared in awe at the fairy lights and cozy couch set up. There was a sea of blankets leading to a projector that had the movie Tick Tick Boom already pulled up. George had learned that Clay liked musicals over their many conversations, so he was kind of expecting this. He decided that he'd get next pick to make it fair.
George sat down, throwing layers of blankets on top of him until he was content. Just then Clay came out with a bowl of popcorn and various candies. George smiled as the snacks were sat down in front of him and Clay climbed into the blankets next to him. "I hope my choice of a movie is alright with you." Clay said as he picked up the remote. George rolled his eyes, smiling nonetheless replying:"I guess so. I didn't expect anything less from you." "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Clay asked defensively " I get next pick though," George said snuggling into the blankets even further. "Alright fair enough." Clay said as he pressed play. Throughout the movie Clay would sing and sometimes get up to dance, pretty horribly George might add. Though musicals weren't George's favorite, seeing Clay enjoy himself was definitely enough for George. As the movie finished George started to think of a movie he want to watch. "Can we watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban now?" George asked. Clay laughed a little at the question. "What?" George asked "Are you really making me for my movie choice?" He asked sounded playfully offended. "It's just, it's just that your choice so stereotypically British. No wonder you want to go back there. You must have fit in perfectly." Dream said a little out of breath " George crossed his arms in a small protest against the blonde's accusation while trying to hide the feeling of "I'm not following any stereotype. It's just a movie I watched a bunch as a little kid. I enjoy it and I say after having to sit through your musical that what I say goes." He said lightheartedly snapping at the blonde. "Fine, fine." Dream said said giving up on this conversation. He pulled up the movie and hit play. He also prepared in two hours of boring. He shuffled a little closer to George and reached for the sour patch kids box; simultaneously reaching across the boy next to him. George blushed as the blonde reached his arm and chest over him. 'We are way too close right now. Oh my god.' He thought. He panicked and tried to seem calm on the outside. He's never experienced gay panic before but he assumed he was now experiencing it for the very first time. He didn't think it would be so out of control. Why couldn't he stop the blood from flowing to his cheeks? Why did he instantly get sweaty when Clay moved closer? Why was he suddenly so awkward when he was perfectly fine two seconds ago? George didn't like that he only had one answer for this. An answer that he had been avoiding vigorously. George had a crush. George had a big fat crush on Clay.

996 words

A little shorter and it's rushed so bare with me lol sorry

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