Chapter 6

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The sound of familiar voices around me woke me up along with voices whom I didn't know belonged to and a beep beep beep noise.

I groaned and moved my head from side to side. I then opened my eyes and squinted, a huge bright light shining down on my face.

"I think she's awake!" I heard my mom shout.

"I'll go get the doctor!" I heard dad say, his footsteps running away from us.

I then felt arms wrap themselves tightly around me and someone's head against mine. I felt something wet on my neck and gown and soon realized they were tears.

"Mom?" I mumbled, trying to turn my head. "You're kinda squeezing me."

"Sorry sorry!" She said, letting go of me. Her face and eyes were red, tear stains streaking her cheeks. Dad ran up and stood behind her his hands on her shoulders and a relieved expression on his face. I cocked my head a little and saw Lori sitting on one of the chairs behind them, rocking Isaac's car seat slowly back and forth with Lucy in her arms. She was smiling at me and I could tell she too was glad that I was awake.

The doctor then came in and came over next to me.

"Daisy, are you feeling any better?" He asked me in a smooth, husky voice.

"Ooh." I groaned, putting a hand to my pounding head. "W-What happened?"

"You fell down the stairs at the park sweetie." Mom said, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Dr. Everson said it really is a miracle you didn't break your neck when you fell."

"I fell?" I asked. I really couldn't remember what all had happened. Suddenly, I did. I remembered being in the lead of my team and I turned back to look at Devon who was behind me. He shouted something at me but I couldn't hear him. Then, I collided with the biker who ran into me and I fell back and down the concrete stairs. I remembered the pain I felt shooting up through my hand and my foot.

I looked down at my left hand, the one I had fallen on. It had white bandages wrapped around it. I lifted it up and tried to turn it to face me but some pain shot up through my hand 'causing me to wince and lay it back down.

"You sprained your wrist, Daisy." The doctor said to me. "We think it was from when you fell trying to catch yourself."

I nodded my head, remembering it. I then looked down at the foot of my bed at my feet that were covered up with my hospital blanket. I noticed that my right one looked bulkier than the other one. Before mom or dad could stop me, I reached out, grabbed my blanket and pulled it to the side, revealing my feet.

I gaped in shock at my right foot that had a big, white cast on it that extended almost halfway up to my knee. I slowly moved it, the cast moving along with my foot. I reached out and touched it, feeling the pasty plaster on my fingers.

"Why do I have a cast on my foot?" I asked, my eyes wide, and pointing at the cast.

"You fractured your ankle when you fell down the stairs and we had to put a cast on your foot and it should help stabilize the bones in your ankle and help it heal properly."

"How long will I have it on for?"

"For approximately 3-6 weeks."

"3-6 weeks?!" I asked in shock. I was going to have to walk with this bulky thing on my leg for that long? No way! No way in hell!

"What about cross country?" I asked them.

Dad shook his head and me. "I'm sorry but looks like you're going to be out of it for most of the season honey."

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