Chapter 11

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The weekend came and flew by within the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, I was woken up by the sound of my alarm going off at 6:35 a.m. I really dreaded today but I needed to get out the house.

I grabbed my crutches and walked over to my door and opened it. The sun was already shining through the windows in the living room. I glanced across the hallway and into Lori's room. Her door was cracked open. I walked over and peeked though the crack. I could hear her faintly breathing. I caught a glimpse of the doll's hair. The image of the doll's eye staring back at me that night still haunts me.

I shook my head and backed away from the door, trying to shake that out of my mind. I walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower. By the time I got out, I could already hear dad making breakfast and the door to Lori's room was closed and I could see light through the space at the bottom. I assumed she was already awake and getting ready for school.

I walked over to my room and got ready for school. I put on a light yellow dress that I had bought just before the accident. I was going to try and avoid wearing any jeans right now for all the ones that I had I couldn't fit over the cast on my foot. I put on one of my white flats on my other foot and put the brace that I was given over my cast. I really wasn't looking forward to going to class. Luckily, my parents had talked to my teachers and they agreed on letting me leave class five minutes early so I could get to my class on time without having to get through the large student crowd.

I stood up on my crutches and walked out of my room and into the hallway. I continued to walk till I was in the kitchen.

"Good morning honey!" Dad said to me, looking up from his newspaper. He stood up and pulled up a chair for me to sit.

"Good morning. Thanks dad." I said as I sat down.

"Want an omelet? " He asked, motioning to the skillet on the stove. I nodded my head, my stomach grumbling with hunger. He turned back around, cracking open a couple of eggs, their contents sizzling on the skillet.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned my head to see Lori approaching the kitchen table.

"Good morning Daisy!" She said, standing on her tiptoe to kiss me on the cheek.

"Good morning." I said, kissing her back.

"You excited to go back to school?" she asked, sitting into the chair right next to me. She reached over and grabbed her bowl of cheerios and poured them into a bowl along with milk.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess."

"Good!" She said between a spoonful bite of her cheerios. "Oh, Lucy said she hopes today goes well for you."

My head snapped towards her. Just hearing her say that sent a shiver up my spine. The last time the doll told her anything, I ended up having my accident.

"O-Oh." I stammered. "Tell her I said thank you."

"I don't have to. She already knows."

"Here you go honey!" Dad said, placing a plate with my omelet in front of me. I turned and looked down at the folded omelet on the plate. I wasn't hungry anymore.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Dad asked.

"Oh, um nothing!" I said, looking back at him. "I... um... can I have some ketchup with it?"

He nodded his head and walked over to the refrigerator. He reached in and grabbed the ketchup bottle on the top shelf and handed it over to me. I grabbed it and squeezed the ketchup out on my omelet. I stuck it with my fork and ate it.

"Mmm. It's really good dad!" I said, forcing a smile. It didn't taste like anything for I had completely lost my appetite. I continued to eat my omelet in silence. After a few minutes, Lori finished her bowl of cereal and walked over and put it in the sink. She grabbed her book bag and stood by the window next to the door to look out for the bus.

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