Chapter 8

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It was now finally Friday. I sighed with relief as I looked up at my calendar that hung up on my wall. I just had to get through today, the weekend, and I'd finally be back in school. I never liked school but I pretty much preferred it over being stuck at home by myself, especially after yesterday. Just having Lori tell me that her own doll tell her I was going to have an accident scared me so much that I refused to look at the doll for the rest of the day. Part of me wanted to tell myself that I was just being paranoid and that there was no way in hell that a doll could say something like that to a seven year-old but the other part of me told me that I should believe her. Lori has never once lied in her whole entire life and it would be very unusual and wrong for her to lie to me about this.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see what time it was. It was 7:45. I should go back to sleep but I wasn't tired at all but I really didn't feel like getting up. The smell of pancakes wafted in through my closed door and that made me decide to get up.

I carefully sat up, moving my legs to the side of the bed. I looked down at the cast on my leg and sighed. Only five more weeks left to have it on. Hopefully much less than that. I reached out and grabbed my crutches that leaned against the foot of my bed. I adjusted them just under the pits of my arm and began making my way towards my door. I opened it up and looked up and down the hallway. The bathroom door just at the end of the hall was closed and I could see light from underneath it so I assumed Lori was in there. I then looked across from me and into Lori's room.

The doll laid against her pillow, its head turned away from me. I remained standing at my doorway looking at it.

"Go on. Turn your head." I whispered. "Turn your head and look at me. Look at me."

The doll continued to lay in the same position. I then shook my head and looked down at the floor.

"You're losing it Daisy." I said to myself. I looked back up at the doll and it was still in the same position as before. I stared at it one last time before I made my way down the hallway to eat breakfast with my parents.


I spent most of the morning working on my homework and classwork that Devon and Emily had brought to me the day before. I was sitting at the kitchen table, working on my Calculus homework and trying to solve the problem before me.

I was alone in the house. Dad was at work of course and mom had gone to see Aunt Linda who needed help with her garden. I'd look over at my phone every few minutes when the screen would turn on, indicating I had a message from them. They'd text me to see how Isaac and I were doing. Isaac was asleep in his crib in their room. I'd get up every once in a while to check up on him and then I'd go back to working on my classwork.

I was just finishing up the current problem I was on when I heard the phone ring in the living room. I groaned, hating that I had to get up. I hated the feeling of having the crutches underneath the pits of my arms for they really bothered me alot.

I made my way towards the ringing phone and picked it up. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was from the elementary school. I frowned, wondering why they were calling in the middle of the morning.

"Hello?" I said, putting the phone up to my ear. I stood on my good foot and leaned against the wall.

"Hello, I'm Rebecca, the school secretary at High Point Elementary. I was wondering if I could speak to Mr. or Mrs. Watkinson?" She said to me in a most professional tone.

"They're not here right now but I'm Daisy, their daughter."

"Oh hi, Daisy! How are you?" Rebecca asked with delight. "Are you feeling better?"

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