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Disclaimer: I'm bored and thought about writing a random story in the Wednesdayverse lmao, If you're looking for vamp bf action then feel welcome to keep reading lol :)

Genre: gothic lit, romance, drama

I clutched my black pearls close to my chest as I let out a heavy exhale, I felt nervous but thrilled to attend nevermore.. I'd wanted to go since beginning high school in England when my mother mentioned it, but from my family fortune and heritage I was forced to attend private school first to "integrate" into "normal society", according to my parents... but that didn't last long, at my last school I had to escape from charges of grievous bodily harm, but it's not my fault that bitches' fingernails fell off when she tried to assault me... my mother told me we come from a line of witches, natural born and/or developed... I don't think I dodged any genetics there.
I've had so many things happen that I can't explain and been blamed for horrific injuries from my bullies, but I can't help it... my mother says Nevermore will help me control my magic.. or I hope so anyway.

Cold shoulder // Wednesday series fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now