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Enid lead my down the steps to give me a tour of my new school, "Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us, for the outcasts, freaks, monsters... fill in your favourite marginalised group here, you name it", I looked around at trophies and photos of past alumni, "woah Edgar Allen Poe went here!?" I said with surprise, Enid lit up Instantly, "yes! We actually have a school comp called the poe cup where we compete to win! It's coming up soon i can't wait", I turned back around to follow Enid to the courtyard, "there are many flavours of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are fangs, furs, stoners and scales" Enid said as she counted each group one one finger, as I looked around the pentagon shaped courtyard a dark haired vampire caught my eye, his long hair tied back into a low pony tail with his head buried in a book, "those are the fangs AKA vampires, some of them have literally been here for decades", the clique looked up and observed my presence, one of them nudged the dark haired one from his book, who quickly looked up and surprisingly glanced at me from above his thick sunglasses, instantly squinting and bearing his teeth from the pain, but we caught eyes and his cheeks flooded with a purple tint, was he blushing?

Enid lead my further around the courtyard, "that bunch of knuckleheads are furs AKA werewolves like me! Full moons tend to get pretty loud around here, that's when furs like to wolf out so I suggest you pick up some noise-cancelling headphones",
We turned a corner, "here are the scales AKA sirens, and that girl Bianca Barclay is the closest thing nevermore hast to royalty... although her crowns been slipping lately, she used to date or resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe but they broke up beginning of the semester, reason unknown" Enid whispered enthusiastically, "can I ask a question" I said, "of course!" Enid replied, her eyes wide with curiosity, "who was that bookworm vampire?", I asked, Enid smiled, "oh that's Jasper Redworth! He's the oldest vampire here at 117 years old, he transferred from North England last year, previously homeschooled which explains his chronic shyness" Enid replied, "why d'you know him?" She asked, "oh.. no I was just curious" I blushed, "if you want to know more my blog is like, the number one source for nevermore gossip!" Enid shared with excitement.

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