Ophelia hall

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Principal Weems seemed nice... better than my other teachers, they couldn't stand the sight of me usually.
"I'll take you to meet your new hall mates" she said, leaving her chair and opening the door, "after you" she said, I shuffled along before my parents, we walked along the winding corridors and into Ophelia Hall, "unfortunately you will have to be in a room on your own for now, the last room was taken by another new student, usually we don't accept multiple new students mid-term but your cases were an exception" said principal Weems, I smiled and continued walking behind her, up the stairs and into my room...
To my surprise it was a large space.. with a large window, however it had cosy sentiments.. I immediately pictured my possessions in all of the right places, my desk which I kept my book of shadows belonged in the window, this was helpful so it was easy for me to charge my crystals and cast my spells during the full moon, ofc I don't really need them but it adds to the fun.. I could snap my fingers and turn my worst enemy into whatever foul thing I wanted, but Principal Weems made it clear that If I did she would not hesitate to "take action" or whatever that meant.
"Wow... it's huge" I said by accident.. usually I like to present myself better than "frank or blatant" as my mother says, but I just can't control my mouth, "well it certainly is one of the bigger rooms, it is intentioned for two so I would pick a side and remain with it so choose wisely" said Principal Weems, "I'm sure she'll love it" my mother said.

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