important:not a chapter but pls read

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Pls guys,it will really help out with my mental health knowing that people love my work and that I can actually do something right for once

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Pls guys,it will really help out with my mental health knowing that people love my work and that I can actually do something right for once.

I love that story so far,and that story might be my main focus for a while but that doesn't mean that I will stop updating my other books.

I also wanna say sorry for not updating,it's cuz my grandma died a few days before Christmas and a few hours later,my grandpa (her brother)followed her into the afterlife.

I admit that it's sad and it's their one year anniversary and I'm not allowed to go to our place to visit them cuz my family is having some trouble at the moment and it's slowly crumbling and my mother blames me and my brother even though she dragged us into her bullshit.

I'm just making stories to pass the time and hope to forget Abt everything really, reading and writing really helps me cope with trauma rn.

Also,I think I might rewrite this story considering I think it sucks and is overdramatic.

I'm just overwhelmed with life rn guys so I hope u sorry that this a/n is so long,I just wanted to get it out my chest and writing helps me cope.

Also,the fact that I just found out that,my mom and dad weren't together when I was born and they didn't even know they had me just made me feel like I'm a mistake. But I know I wasn't,cuz I'm here cuz god wanted me to be here and I just wish that I will get to see my dad again in the future.

Just know guys,if ever ur feeling like ur a mistake or that ur not supposed to be existing just know,that ur not here by accident. Ur here cuz god wanted u here. Just go with the flow of life and one day,you'll get passed the trauma and be happy. Just know that if u feel like no one likes and/or cares Abt u,a lot of people care. They may not know u,u may not know them but they care. We are just humans,we can't be perfect,we can't be what people want us to be, because we are our own person.

Ily guys,bye now.

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