a sheep and a bird

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Tommy watched as the sun set. The lights it emitted was breath taking. The people who cam with him left a while ago. He planned on staying behind to watch the sunset and literally kicked deo to make him leave. Safe to say,he'll listen more unless he wants to get kicked in the stomach.

He heard footsteps behind him and assumed deo had come back.

"Deo i told you. Ill be fine." He scoffed. The footsteps stopped for a moment before he heard a voice.

"Nope. Im not deo." A voice oh so familiar said. Tommy's eyes widened as he realized who he was talking to. He focused on the sun that was beginning to disappear, hoping to ignore the brunette. 

"May i sit here?" Tommy moved to the other side of the bench and made room for the ram hybrid. Tubbo sat down and silence enveloped them. It was deafening.

Tommy soon realized that the latter was slowly closing the distance between the two of them. He sighed and turned to the ram hybrid.

"What do you want?"Tommy asked ,but his voice lacked annoyance. He actually enjoyed the company of his best friend. Could they still even be called best friends?

"What do you mean. I just want to watch the sunset." Tommy will admit. Tubbo was always such an amazing actor. Apparently he still is but Tommy could see right through him. For others,they might believe him but tommy grew up with him.

"Cut the bullshit,tubbo." Tommy snarled but his voice lacked real venom. If tubbo was an amazing actor,then tommy was a professional. And just like tommy,tubbo noticed but decided to play along just for fun. Tommy had to fight back a smile at this.

"Alright fine. Just wanted to see how you were doing."Unlike before,tubbos voice was filled with genuine curiosity. 

"Well im doing just fine." Tubbo nodded and the two of them sat in comfortable silence. They just stared at the horizon and enjoyed the company and warmth the two of them provided.

"I missed you.." Tubbo spoke after a while. Silence once again hung in the air.

"So have i tubs" tommy replied. Tubbos face morphed into a smile and they once again sat in silence. Its the way it has always been and its the way it will always be. Just like old times. Even if they didnt speak, the silence speaks more words then their mouths did at that moment.

After the sun fully sets,the moon replaced it. Tommy abruptly stood up and looked at the boy still on the bench. Tubbo stared at him in confusion before tommy spoke.

"Its getting late. Mobs will spawn soon. If you dont wanna get your ass handed to ya,stand up and go home."Tommy explained and tubbos eyes widened. Tommy almost laughed at the reaction but continued to hold it in.

"Ah right. Well,i must go. See you when i see you?" Tubbo stood aswell and turned to tommy. Tommy nodded and bid farewell. Tubbo simply waved and watched as tommy head off to someone in the distance. Tubbo squinted his eyes and realized it was deo. And he was looking at him.

Ah shit,hes looking at him.

Tubbos introvertedness self was panicking. if u say thats not word,i will simply pretend i didnt hear you.

With much hesitation,tubbo waved sheepisly at deo. Deo nodded and his attention got taken to tommy. God,tommy is a life saver. Tubbo sighed and made his way to his house.


Tommy and Deo walked for what seemed like hours before they finally made it to an unfamiliar cabin. Deo noticed his confusion and smiled.

"while you were gone. Me,drista,lani,bitzel and luke got to work on a house. Taylor and Tyche are asleep by the way if your worried about them." Deo quickly explained as if reading his mind.

"oh..Well,thanks."Tommy said. Deo just nodded and went inside the house. Tommy obviously followed along since mobs were beginning to spawn.

When they got inside, Tommy was absolutely blown away. The place looked like a mansion on the inside. A chandelier hung from the ceiling,stairs that looked so fancy and more.

"WHEN DID YOU HAVE TIME TO BUILD THIS" Deo just laughed and led him to what he assumed was the living room.

"Oh,hi boss!" bitzel greeted. He was laying down on the couch and playing on his communicator. Luke looked up from the book he was reading and did a salute then went back to his book. 'Must be Shakespeare' Tommy thought.

"Luke wishes to not be disturbed. He's really invested in this 'Romeo and Juliet' book." Drista said from the kitchen. Lani nodded next to her. Tommy hummed in agreement. He glanced at Deo and caught him staring. 

"Uh-what are you doing?"Tommy asked. Deo didnt respond,instead,he hugged the former. Tommy was at loss for words.

"Uhm Deo?"Tommy tried.

"I know what your planning on doing tonight,sunshine. I wont let you" Tommy stared at him,wide eyed. 'How'd he know?' he wondered.

"Promise me you wont do it." Deo continued. Tommy hesitated.

"PROMISE ME" Deo let go of the hug and grabbed Tommy's wrist. Tommy could'nt help but winch at the contact. Because Deo is Deo,he noticed. He loosened his grip and Tommy felt relieved.

"I promise." With that, Deo released his grip and went to the kitchen.


AYYYYYYYYYYYY,TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAYYYY LETS GOOOOOOO. POGCHAMP IN CHAT. These chapters were brought to you by my boredom,motivation that finally got back from the market and school ending so BE GRATEFULL. Now,excuse some typos,im on my laptop and there is no autocorrect and ive never loved autocorrect more then when im using the laptop. Also, DID WE JUST REACH 2K READS ON THIS BOOK????? i can not believe it. thanks for the support and stuff. from now on,i promise to post more and not leave u hanging.... if i do forget, yell at me in the comments because our vacation is only one month here in the Philippines. either i have no motivation or i just dont have data. Also,im still figuring out what imma do with this book so plss just give suggestionssss....now


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