[part 5] The mystery trail....

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Yaya finally got the motivation to start writing this :D (on the bus) cause I've probably left you guys waiting to long..... haha- sorry but I'm ganna try post more :D might turn this into a dream nap story or preamnap who knows...
Anyway the story now!!
Enjoyyyy :D

Dream then looked around. Through the dandelions, through the grass, to see something mysterious coming up from the grass as he was about to grab the object he heard someone from the distance call his name...
"DREAM?!?! Where are you??"
It was sapnap's voice and it was getting closer by the second.
Dream then grabbed the object and emerged through the flabbergasting dandelions and the grass now glistening through the field as the sun was setting.
Sapnap then seen Dream and ran up to him in a hurry.
"Omg Dream are you okay??" Sapnap asked with so much worry on his face.
"Y-yeah I think I'll be okay" Dream then replied looking into sapnap's eyes.
"Why did you run out? You worried everyone especially me." Sapnap said with sadness
"Im so sorry sap i-i couldn't see his body. I can't it's to much" Dream then said tears pricking his eyes.
"Oh Dream. You should have told me...." Sapnap said quite sad as he went into give Dream a massive hug.
"Why don't we go back hmm?" Sapnap said looking directly at Dream.
"Uhhmm c-can i stay here for a bit I need to clear my mind a bit more if that's okay" Dream said giving sapnap a sad smile.
"Yeah that's fine I'll come find you in an hour or so if that's alright" he said smiling at Dream.
"Yeah that should be enough time" Dream said smiling back at him.


Sapnap then walked away looking back once, smiled then walked away into the distance where Dream could no longer see him.
Dream then looked at the object he had in his pocket. It was a picture? What was a picture doing out here it was like it appeared for thin air...
He then looked more closely to the picture to find that it was a picture of a nice looking cabin almost looked like Dreams family cabin they had up the mountains.
Dream then looked at the bottom of the picture to find a '404' symbol...
Like it was an error...-
Then he thought back to what George had said about that if he had explained anything on the phone something back would happen....
Is this some sort of error?
Was that really George on the phone or was it a copy or recording of his voice...
He didn't really want to think on it to hard because he was more interested in this journey he was about to go on.
He then got up from the grass and started walking east from where he was like the George on the phone said to do.
He was now in a forest....
He looked around him and just seen trees apon trees scattered everywhere he looked from the side to in-fount but he kept walking east like he was told.

I'm going to finish it there for today but I might add more tomorrow or later idk depends what I think of :D thanks for reading it though I appreciate the reads :))) also sorry these are really short 😃 (next day- yes I added more cause I thought of more cause yeah. Anyway I'll probably add more when I get a good idea of what to put next :D )

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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Turn back time......Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ