𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚔𝚊 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛

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   It was a long Thursday evening and i had just finished all my classes for the day. Namika was on the phone with her normie 'bOyFrIeNd', and i couldn't help but cringe at their snarky comments to each other.

"I wish you weren't a normie so then we could go to the same school, honeybun." Namika said in a cringy high pitched voice.

ew. Who the hell would call someone "honeybun"??

"I could say the same thing to you my, sweet, sweet rosebud."

This went on for a good 3 hours until i couldn't handle it anymore. I took a good hour walking around the rainy school until i stoped and sat at a bench. I didn't have a lot of friends expect Enid, Xavier, Namika and Rowan. Rowan! that's who i'll ask to hang out. It was roughly 6:30 so we had 4 more hours till curfew. I texted him and he replied surprisingly fast. If i could i would go to his dorm and drag him out myself, but i couldn't because "No girls are aloud in boys dorms." I think that rule is stupid but at the same time makes sense. Don't want any outcast babies.

Rowan came out of the dormitory 5 minutes later with a umbrella and still wearing his uniform. We sat down at the bench and just chatted.

"so, Xavier was telling me about how you and him saved Wednesday from that falling gargoyle." Rowan said trying to start up a conversation.

"I only helped carry her to the infirmary."

"Well you still did something" He said with a sigh. "I wonder how that thing fell, I mean it's so heavy. You would have to be very strong in order to do that.

2 hours had gone by, and we were talking non stop. Me and Rowan were very compatible, not much in interests but in personality.

"y'know we are very similar." He said with a smile on his face.

"you've been telling me that since we were 5"

"well it's true."

"I should probably get going" I said looking at the time. Namika should've been off the phone with her boyfriend by now.

"wait!" Rowan shouted. "Take this, i've been meaning to tell you for a while." He extended his arm and gave me something that seemed like a letter. I snatched it from him and ran up the stairs.

When i walked into me and Namika's dorm i noticed two things. One, she wasn't there, and two, there was a note.

Dear y/n.
Your probably wondering where i am. I am going down to town for the afternoon and won't be back till 9:30 or earlier. Please don't wreck the room to much while i'm gone, i have my phone on me incase you need to text me.
from, Namika

Probably seeing her boyfriend. I put the note Rowan handed me to the side. I wanted to open it with her. As cringey as it sounds i've had a crush on rowan since the 4th grade. If this letter is a love letter i would definitely want to open it with her, since she's gotten me through a lot of stuff.

It was now 11:30. she should've been back 2 hours ago? I put on my coat and set out to find our head mistress. When i stumbled into her office she was surprised to see me. I got straight to the point.

"Namika hasn't come back from the village yet. She said she would be back by 9:30 or earlier" I said handing her the note Namika left on her desk.

"hmmm" she paused for a moment looking a little alarmed. "I will have a search party tomorrow morning. Go off to sleep and don't think about it till morning."

The next morning she still wasn't there. I was a little worried because of the attacks that have been going on lately. I got dressed and started my day normally going down to breakfast. Rowan approached me.

"did you read my letter?" he asked anxiously.

"no unfortunately i haven't had the time to. Namika is missing, i've been stressing about it all night and barley got any sleep." I replied, feeling guilty i hadn't read it. Bianca was approaching my table.

"have you seen Namika" she asked.

"No. She's missing."

   Bianca just rolled her eyes and walked away. Bianca and Namika have always been best friends, similar to me and Rowan where we have been friends most of our lives.


    Our head mistress just announced her death. They found her body in the forest. I should've just stayed home and listen to her and her stupid boyfriend talk so then this wouldn't have happend. We didn't have any classes today so all i could do is sit in my room. Without her it was awfully quiet.

   Ms. Thornhill had come and ask me to put her stuff into boxes for her family to pick up. Of course i did it for them. I wouldn't have a roomie till next year because no students joined in the middle of the school, unless your special.

    It was friday and tomorrow is the weekend. I finally decided to pull out Rowan's note and read it.

Dear y/n
                meet me in the courtyard at 9:30 pm. I have something in the library i wanna show you.
                    From Rowan.


I was gonna write that letter to be a love letter but i didn't want the story to go to fast so we will wait a chapter.  Anyways it's 12:37 am and i have a massive test tomorrow so bye bbg's

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