All Eyes On Her

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October thirtieth started like any other day for Steve Harrington, blissfully bland. After the great Demogorgon battle of '83 things have calmed down drastically and Steve was stuck between being thankful that chapter is closed and being incredibly bored with his life ever since. Of course, he realizes how lucky he is to be alive but that doesn't stop the burning desire to feel that adrenaline rush again, he didn't continue to carry around his trusty bat for nothing after all.

October thirtieth didn't start like every other day for Billy Hargrove. Okay, it did in some ways. She still woke up absolutely dreading the school day. She still had her everyday breakfast- a cup of coffee and a cigarette. The difference? Hawkins, Indiana. This is her first day at her new school and although she's sure she'll have everyone wrapped around her pretty little finger in no time, she's furious that she's been put in this situation.

In true Billy fashion, she blames everyone but herself. She blames her father, if you can even call him that, for falling in love with Susan. She blames Susan, a lovely woman by all means, for being such a pushover and for coming with baggage. Baggage in the form of a red-headed brat. She blames her stepsister Maxine for being the reason their parents wanted to move, for a fresh start. Fucking Hawkins, of all places. What a shit hole.

"Billy, you're bringing your sister to school!" her dad yells while banging his knuckles against her door.

"She's not my sister!" Billy swings the door open forcefully, almost immediately regretting it when she sees the look on her father's face. "I mean, yes. I'll bring her to school, just give me a second." She closes the door softly and pulls on her denim jacket, applying some cherry red lipstick before exiting the house to find Max already in the passenger seat of her Camaro.

"Morning, Nance," Steve smiles sweetly at his girlfriend. She buckles herself in without giving Steve a single glance and begins to shuffle through a stack of papers.

"Mhm, morning," she mutters under her breath.

Steve sighs, looking down at his lap. You'd think surviving monsters from a parallel universe would bring you closer, but it seems that Nancy is falling farther and farther from his grasp with each passing day. He opens his mouth to speak but quickly clamps it shut knowing it's pointless, so he steps on the gas.

Billy steps on the gas, hard. Metallica blasts out of the speakers and she taps her fingers against the wheel, along with the drums.

"Why the hell did we have to move here? It actually smells like shit," Billy grimaces, rolling up her window.

"It's not too bad," Max shrugs.

"Oh yeah? Why's that Maxine?" Billy glances over at the younger girl. "Why are you defending it?"

"I'm not!" Max huffs.

"Sure sounds like you are. What, did you make some friends at the arcade yesterday or something?" She raises a brow at her.

"No!" Max exclaims defensively. "We're stuck here, so it's just as well to make the most out of it."

Billy gives her a suspicious look but shakes her head, speeding down the street to the high school.

"Nance? Nance, are you even listening?" Steve leans his forehead against the steering wheel, letting out an exasperated sigh before unbuckling his seat belt, and turning his body to face his girlfriend.

Cherry Bomb // BillyxSteveWhere stories live. Discover now