Back To Reality

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Billy woke Monday morning with her head fuzzy from the events that took place over the weekend. Everything about the past couple of days was bizarre and unlikely but today it was back to reality as she began to get ready for school.

Going to school almost seemed trivial after learning about another dimension and the creatures that lurk below Hawkins. There were much more important things to worry about than stoichiometry and how to dissect a frog, but nonetheless, she slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt knowing that being at school is better than being home where she might run into her Father. She throws on a coat to help battle against the bitter cold of the winter before heading out the door with Max in tow.

"You're okay, right Maxine?" Billy asks without looking in her direction.


"Come on, don't play dumb with me. After everything we went through are you okay?" She glances at the younger girl this time, trying to read her face.

"I'm okay, Billy. Are you?" She raises an eyebrow. "You've been acting a bit off since what happened. Don't think that I didn't notice you coming home in someone else's clothes yesterday morning," she smirks.

"That was nothing," she rolls her eyes. "I went to someone's house to watch movies and then the storm stopped me from getting home, that's all."

"I thought you didn't spend the night with people? Or wear their clothes," Max grins. "They must be pretty special."

"I... I'm not talking about this with you!" Billy waves her off, feeling flustered.

She pulls up in front of the middle school and watches Max jump out. "Thanks for dropping me off!" She grins before closing the door and rushing inside.

Once Billy sees her get inside the building safely she drives up the hill to the High school, feeling her nerves bubbling up inside of her. All day yesterday she played her time with Steve over and over again like a broken record and imagined what it'd be like seeing him in person again. She hated how nervous the thought made her.

As if the world is completely against her, she takes a glance at her schedule and sees that she has non-other than gym first, a class that she is positive Steve has as well.

Going against everything she is used to, she heads straight to the gym to get ready early, not wanting to bump into Steve in the hallways while she waits for the first bell to ring.

As she slips into a pair of shorts and a black tank top she sees Carol walk in with Tina and Vicky close behind. She straightens herself out and gets ready to put on her charm, pretending like she's not on the verge of throwing up from anxiety.

"Good morning ladies," Billy grins at the girls warmly. "I hope you all had a lovely weekend," she says while closing her gym locker.

"It was a blast! Carol threw an amazing party, we were shocked that you weren't there," Vicky frowns.

"I wish I could have been there but I... was a little busy," Billy laughs nervously.

"Too busy for a party?" Tina chews her gum obnoxiously. "What, were you hooking up with a guy all weekend?"

"No! I mean... no..." Billy stumbles over her words, tempted to say yes to get them off her back but then they'd want to know all the details of who she was with.

"She totally did!" Carol barks out a laugh.

"Whatever," Billy rolls her eyes at the girls.

"He must be pretty good if you're not willing to tell us about him. Scared one of us will steal him?" Vicky teases, gaining a glare from Carol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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