Demo dog

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Two days pass by in the blink of an eye and Steve decides to finally stop by Nancy's house to pick her up for school and work things out. To his displeasure,  her mother answers the door and says she already left earlier that morning. Confused, he walks back to his car and drives off, thinking of reasons she would have left without him. Maybe she assumed he wouldn't pick her up again considering he didn't show up the last couple of days. Or maybe, this really is the end for them and she considers them broken up. He lets out a deep breath as he parks his car and enters the school, walking past her empty locker. Where is she?

The morning before, Billy saw Jonathan drive past her house with Nancy in the passenger seat and she couldn't believe her luck. This was too good. They hadn't shown up to school that day, and the direction she saw them driving told her that they were most likely ditching town. When she shows up to school that morning and sees both of them still missing, she confirms her suspicions.

Lunchtime comes and Steve still hasn't spotted Nancy all day. She's not here. Where the hell is she? He couldn't focus on any of his classes all morning because his thoughts were preoccupied with a million different scenarios. Billy walks in with her group of friends and he tosses the rest of his food in the trash, exiting the cafeteria before she can make any snide comments. He's not in the mood today.

"Harrington! One more wrong move and you're getting benched for the rest of the class!" The gym teacher blows his whistle as Steve lands roughly on the floor. Panting, he pushes his hair back and watches Billy approach him.

"King Steve, everyone," she calls out as she leans down to his level on the floor. "You were moving your feet. Plant them next time."

He gives her a skeptical look, unsure why she would give him advice but he nods and pushes himself up off the floor.

"Don't sweat it, Harrington. Today's not your day," she adds.

"Yeah, not his week!" Tommy laughs, jogging over to the pair. "You and the princess break up for one day and she's already running off with the freak!"

Billy glares at Tommy, she had wanted to be the one to drop the bomb on Steve. She looks back at him and sees his face drop.

"Oh shit, you don't know?" Tommy continues. "Jonathan and princess skipped yesterday and still haven't shown up. But that much just be a coincidence, right?" He smirks.

"Don't take it too hard, Harrington," Billy says, rolling her eyes at Tommy. "You've got nothing to worry about, there's plenty of bitches in the sea. Maybe I'll save you a few," she winks at him and leaves both boys with their jaws on the ground.

"Man, she's something else," Tommy gushes as he watches her walk away.

"Yeah, she's something all right," Steve crosses his arms. "Wonder what Carol would think about you checking out Billy," Steve challenges him.

"Nice try. She wouldn't care, she was checking out Billy just as much, if not more, yesterday."

Oh, for fuck sake!

"Whatever, I'm out of here," Steve throws his head back and leaves the school, not having the energy to finish his last classes.

Steve decides to try to make amends with Nancy and picks up a bouquet for her before driving to her house, hoping she'll be home by now.

"Listen... I've been thinking, and I love you. I'm sorry." Steve practices and he closes the car door. "I'm sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?" He grunts.

"Steve!!" He looks up and sees a mass of curly hair running toward him. Dustin Henderson. "Are those for Mrs. Wheeler?" He points to the flowers.

"No?" Steve says, face scrunching up in confusion.

Cherry Bomb // BillyxSteveWhere stories live. Discover now