Cherry Lips

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Monday rolls around and Steve couldn't be any less thrilled. He hadn't spoken to Nancy since the party and after seeing her looking more than cosy with Byers in her bedroom he wasn't sure he wanted to talk to her at all. All weekend he racked his brain, thinking of all the ways he must have fucked up this relationship so badly to drive his girlfriend into another man's arms.

Yes, Billy's words were still living rent-free in his mind and god he hated it.

Sure he knew he messed up big time at the start of their relationship, letting Carol and Tommy's words get to him, but he's changed since then and it seemed that he and Nancy had moved so far past that.

Either way, he was left with no choice but to drag himself out of the comfort of his warm bed and begin to get ready for the day.

On the other side of town, Billy was having a much less stressful time getting ready for the day as she sat on a swinging bench on her porch, her feet propped up on the railing as she exhaled smoke from her lungs. As she takes another long drag of her cigarette she closes her eyes in bliss before snuffing it out on a nearby ashtray.

She watches a group of kids ride by on their bikes, talking loudly. She focuses on one boy in particular, one with curly brown hair and a wide toothy smile. He was carrying some sort if weird contraption that didn't look easy to carry while riding.

She rolls her eyes at the group and gulps down the last if her coffee, forcing herself up from her spot.

"You ready, brat?" she calls out while peering through the open door.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" max yells, rushing through the house in her usual attire, hair pulled into a slicked-back ponytail. Billy wonders why she doesn't let her hair down more often, it is very pretty after all, not that she'd admit that to Maxine.

"Great, lets get out of here!" billy exclaims while spinning her keys around her finger.

"Fucking gym first, are you kidding me?" Steve scoffs under his breath as he inspects the schedule pinned up inside his locker. Steve loved gym class, don't get him wrong, but he despised having it first thing in the morning when he was still half asleep.

He heads to the locker room and changes into some shorts and a grey Hawkins shirt, jogging out to the gymnasium once he's done. A few other students are already out but nobody he wants to talk to, so he grabs a basketball and begins to practice.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Harrington," her voice calls from behind as the ball bounces off the rim of the hoop. "You don't want me to beat your keg record and beat you at basketball, now do you? That would be pretty embarrassing for 'the king'.

"God, do you ever shut up?" Steve turns around, coming face-to-face with Billy who is dressed in short spandex and the same grey Hawkins tee that he has on.

"'Fraid not," she smirks as he lets out an annoyed groan. When she sees that Steve is about to leave she jogs up next to him, not ready to let him off that easy. "So, work things out with your little girlfriend? I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, hm?" Billy knew all to well it wasn't a misunderstanding. She heard the rumours that float around this school.

Everyone and their mom knew that Nancy had a thing for Jonathan. She almost felt bad for Steve, but she didn't.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," he huffs.

"Everythings my business Harrington. You see, I hear they call you King Steve around here and I think it's about damn time Hawkins high has a queen, dont you think?"

"You mean a dictator?" Steve smirks.

"Ouch, I'm offended," Billy places a hand on her chest. "If I had a heart, it'd be broken, Harrington."

Cherry Bomb // BillyxSteveWhere stories live. Discover now