Morning Clarity

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Light pours in through the window causing Billy to stir in her slumber. A soft groan leaves her throat as she flutters her eyes open, squinting them shut tight when the rays blind her harshly.

Why is she so warm? Why is her bed so soft and plush?

Her eyes shoot open in a panic as the events of last night begin to flood her memory. Turning her head slowly she finds Steve's face nuzzled into the back of her neck, his body pressed flush against her in a secure spooning position.

Her lips part slightly and she feels her heart rate pick up, pounding violently against her chest. Why is her body reacting this way? The feeling of his breath hitting her bare skin, his hard chest against her back and his arm wrapped protectively around her-it was all too much!

"Steve..." she barely whispers but it's enough for him to slightly stir, like he was hyper-aware of her presence and ready to help her if she needed him.

"Mmm," a dreamy sigh leaves his lips that does unimaginable things to her. "Billy," her name leaves his mouth as his eyes begin to open, revealing his chocolate pools she's grown to appreciate.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she turns her body to face him without breaking their contact. Their bodies stay pressed together, their legs a tangled mess and their noses practically touching. She can't help but admire the way the early morning sun falls over his features, casting mesmerizing shadows down his cheeks from his long, dark lashes.

"Morning," a smile creeps onto his face as he admires her mess of curls cascading around her face like an unruly lion's mane. Yesterday's mascara leaves remnants of black smudges under her eyes and she looks like she's about to fall back asleep.

She looked perfect.

"I hope you slept okay," Steve brushes a strand of hair from her face, his hand resting softly on her cheek as he waits for her response.

"Are you kidding? That was the best sleep I've had in years," she lets out a quick laugh. It's the truth, for years she's been cursed with anxious thoughts at night, too frightened of Neil coming into her room to fall into a truly deep sleep. Not only that, but her bed was extremely uncomfortable, it was her father's old mattress before he and Susan got a new one and it was older than her, at least twenty years old. Meanwhile, Steve was lounging in a plush king-sized bed every night without the fear of getting beaten for blinking the wrong way at dinner. She envied him.

"Really? I'm glad, I was worried you wouldn't get any sleep. I know it can be hard sleeping in new places."

"I definitely don't have that issue," she sighs. "I mean, not that I sleep in other people's beds all the time! That's not what I meant at all, I just mean-"

"Hey, hey! Relax, Billy. I didn't take it that way," Steve assures her.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, not sure why she even cared what he thought of her. When the words left her mouth she suddenly felt fear, thinking it sounded like she had no issue sleeping in new places because she was always going out with new people, which isn't even true.

Okay, she indeed goes out with a lot of people, but she never spends the night. It was another one of her many rules when seeing someone, right after the no-sharing clothes rule.

Two rules she's broken in the span of twenty-four hours.

"I'm sorry," she blushes. "I don't know why I freaked out."

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize but just know that I don't think of you like that, okay?"

Her blush deepens and she nods her head, still feeling embarrassed of her sudden outburst. 

Cherry Bomb // BillyxSteveWhere stories live. Discover now