We need you

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I heard my alarm go off. Another boring day. I haven't had any crimes lately. Not much to do but go to school, come home, and watch tv. I got up, brushed my teeth, put on some workout clothes put my hair up, and got on my treadmill. After 45 minutes of working out. I took a shower, brushed my hair, and got dressed. I began walking to school. School was boring blah blah blah. Once the bell rang signaling it was time to go home I began walking out of the school.

" YOO LOSER", I heard the the jocks call out to me. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly I was pushed making my head hit on the concrete. " WHAT THE HELL" I yelled and rolled over to see Tammy and her boyfriend. Tammy has been my enemy since highschool started. " such a loser ", she says as she rolls her eyes as she walks away with her stuck up boyfriend. My blood boiled, and all I could think about was hurting her. I quickly got up as my e/c eyes turned a nice shade crystal blue signaling I was about to use my powers.

I began marching towards her when suddenly a sparkly orange portal looking thing opened up out of no where in front of me.

" what ever your about to do trust me you do not wanna do it", tony stark said coming out of no where. " mr stark?, what- what are you doing here", I asked as I felt my eyes fading back to normal. " this is her?", another guy said coming out of the portal with another man. He was wearing a red cape, and his hair was fairly styled. The other man was shorter. He looked about in his 40s or 30s maybe.

" yep that's her", mr stark replied, " stark she's a child", the man said back, " but she can kick ass, I've seen it before", mr stark replies. " ok WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON", I yelled suddenly catching their attention.

"My name is Steven strange, call me Dr strange, we're here because we need you. The fate of the universe is at steak, and we heard you could help" the man explained. " oh and I'm Bruce also known as incredible haulk . You've probably heard of me before", said the shorter man as he put his hand out for me to shake. " no I don't think so", I replied with a confused look not shaking his hand. " yep- ok, she never heard of me", Bruce said awkwardly as he put his hand back down.

" so y/n... are you in?", mr stark asked. I felt a smile keep on my face. Hell ya I'm in. I haven't fought crime in months. " I'm in", I said. " great go home, pack some clothes and let's go", he replied. We all went back to my place and I packed me some clothes then we all stepped through the portal.

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