Attack on thanos

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Once we had a plan we all had to hide because Thanos was arriving. Strange was sitting on the stairs waiting for thanos. I was above strange with spiderman on a broke down building or rock. What ever it is. Suddenly Thanos arrived out of a purple portal.

I couldn't really hear what was being said, but then Thanos made some kind of illusion of when this universe was still put together and healthy. Suddenly strange stood up and walked down the stairs. After some words were said dr strange made his little orange hand sign thingies.

That's when iron man begun pushing a building down on Thanos. " Piece of cake, quill", iron man said, " ya, if your goal was to piss him off", quill said as he begun flying. Suddenly Thanos blasted through the rock using the magic of the purple stone. he turned all the broken leftover pieces of the building that was thrown in him, into bats with the magic of the red stone.

He sent the bats after iron man. That's when Peter came in and webbed him in the face. I soon turned the bats into ashes with my powers. Drax slit the back of thanos's kneecaps, but that didn't do much. Drax and strange began fighting Thanos, until Thanos punched drax a few yards away.

Thanos finally got the webs of his face and kicked strange a few feet away as quill blasted him in the back. Dr strange then through invisible forces and quill ran on them, hopped over thanos's back, but placed a bomb on his back in while doing so. Then he jumped through Dr stranges portal as he flipped off Thanos.

Suddenly stranges cape flew to Thanos hand so he couldn't make a fist. then spiderman began jumping through portals. " Magic", he said as he tried to get the hand wear off of Thanos but failed, " magic " he said again as he tried to get the hand wear.....AGAIN. " magic with a kick", spiderman said as he kicked him this time when he came out of the portal.

"Magic with a-", spiderman said until Thanos grabbed him by the throat and held him to the ground, before picking him up and throwing him into Dr strange. This time I came through the portal and shot a ball of destruction in thanos's face. " Leave him alone", I said.

But Thanos shot up and ripped the cape off his hand. That's when iron man shot grenades at him, but he sucked all the fire into the hand wear and shot it at iron man. Spider man than attached a web onto the hand but Thanos pulled on it and punched spiderman in the face. " PETER!!!", I yelled, thenI was punched by Thanos.

Suddenly a ship was thrown at Thanos. Once he got up a alien girl was Infront of him. " Well,well", Thanos said, " you should've killed me", the girl said. " It would've been a waste of PARTS", Thanos yelled. As they fought I ran over to Peter. " Peter, hey, are you ok?", I asked, " ya I'm fine", he breathed out as he stood up.

We soon saw that quill and strange had Thanos held down. Spider man made him way over and webbed Thanos so he couldn't get up, as I made my way to them and stood Infront of Thanos ready to fire at him if he started breaking free. That's when iron man came down and began trying to get to hand wear off of him.

Thanos was squirming and pulling Spiderman's web, so spiderman made his Spidey legs come out so he could hold steady. Strange made a portal and mantis fell through and landed on thanos's shoulders. She had her hand on his temples and she was using her powers to keep him still.

He let out a loud yell before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. " Is he under? Don't let up", iron man said, " be quick, he is very strong ", mantis said. "Parker! Help get over here, she can't hold him much longer. Let's go", iron man said as spiderman attached his web to the ground and ran over to iron man.

They soon begun trying to get the hand wear off but it wasn't working. " We got his fingers open, get it off", iron man said as quill landed not so far from us, "thought you'd be hard to catch, for the record this was my plan......not so strong now huh, where is gamora?", Quill asked.

" My gamora", Thanos slurred, " no, bullshit, where is she?", quill asked again. " He's in anguish ", mantis said, " good", quill said. " He- he mourns", mantis said with watering eyes, " WHAT DOES THIS MONSTER HAVE TO MOURN", Quill yelled. " Gamora", that alien girl that appeared out of nowhere said, " what?", Quill said turning towards her.

" He took her to vormir, he came back with the soul stone. But she didn't", the alien chick explained, " ok, quill you gotta cool it right now, you understand?", Mr stark asked making his mask come off but quill wasn't having it, he slowly turned and looked at Thanos. " Don't. Don't. Don't engage, WE ALMOST GOT THIS THING OFF", Mr stark yelled.

" Tell me shes lying...... ASSHOLE TELL ME YOU DIDNT DO IT", quill yelled, " I....had.....too", Thanos whispered. " No you didn't", quill said backing up a little. Suddenly quill hit him in the face with his gun thingy. " NO YOU DIDNT", quill yelled as he kept pistole whooping him, " QUILL", Mr stark yelled at him. But quill kept pistole whooping him.

Suddenly mantis accidentally let go of Thanos. " HEY STOP, HEY STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP", mr stark yelled pulling quill away from us. " Its coming , its coming, I got it, I got it", Peter said but Thanos soon snapped back to reality. He hit the back of his head into mantis face making her fall, and then he threw spiderman.

I was shooting my balls of destruction but he sucked them into his hand wear and blasted me with it. Ouch, now I know how it feels. As I was souring through the air, Peter caught me and we landed with his Spidey legs. Thanos then kicked drax into us as soon as we landed. Then he threw doctor strange, and punched iron man in the face as he had charged at him.

When quill, drax, and the random alien girl were about to charge at him he used to purple stones magic to make them pass out. Iron man charged at him but Thanos head butted him, Wich made him fly back. He then used the purple stones magic to grab hold of the moon or what ever it was and made it fly at iron man but iron man dodged it. Pieces of it began to hit the ground making everything and everyone fly upwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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