on the ship

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Peter finally pulled us onto the ship and as the doors were closing I heard him say, " I should've stayed on the bus". " well now we're probly on for the biggest fight of our lives so let's go find mr stark", I replied back.

As we were walking through the ships weird halls, the ship came to a Hard halt wich made us fall and peter landing on top of me.

" oh I am sooo sorry", he said, " ya no it's ok" I said back expecting him to get up. But instead he just stood there and looked into my eyes. I was lost in his eyes until I felt the ship start moving again.

" hey Peter we should really find mr stark" I said breaking the silence, " ya, no, sorry, your right " he said getting off of me before we continued walking.

Pretty soon we found mr stark standing on an edge looking down. Suddenly stranges cape tapped him on the shoulder and mr stark turned around ready to blast it out of reflexes.

" wow you are seriously a loyal piece of outwear" mr stark said to it. Suddenly Peter came hanging upside-down from a web beside mr stark. " ya uh- speaking of loyalty " Peter said hesitant as I walked up behind him

Peter than hopped off his web as his mask came off. " what the-" mr stark began before he was cut off by Peter,  " I know what your gonna say-" Peter began. " you should not be here" mr stark said, " we were gonna go home-" Peter said. " I wasnt" I chimed in as Peter looked at me with a " seriously " face.

" I don't wanna hear it" mr stark said, " but it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way and we were kinda stuck to the side of the ship " Peter explained. " and now I gotta hear it" mr stark interrupted, " and this suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way so if anything its kinda your fault that im here" Peter kept explaining as i face palmed myself. Once peter said that mr stark looked at him with a " excuse me" face, while the cape made a dramatic expression.

" what did you just say", mr stark asked, " I take that back, and now im here in space soo- y/n please back me up" , Peter said. " ya right where I didn't want you to be, look this isnt coney island and this isnt a feild trip, this is a one way ticket. You hear me?  dont pretend you thought this through" mr stark said, " look mr stark we just wanted to help you", I chimed in.

" no I did think this through-", Peter began before he was cutoff, " you could not have possibly thought this through" mr stark said, " you can't be a friendly neighborhood Spiderman if there's no neighborhood" Peter said. What the hell was that supposed to mean. Mr stark just started at him in confusion.

"Ok that didn't make sense but-" Peter said before I zoned him out. Im tired of arguing. I soon walked over to Dr stranges cape. " who do you thinks gonna win this argument" I asked it as it pointed at mr stark, " nahhh, peters got this.... if only we had pop corn" I said with a chuckle.

Suddenly mr stark and peter began walking off as we followed them.
We were all looking over a ledge to see Dr strange with needle looking things surrounding him while he was floating and frozen, And right infront of him was the squid ward alien.

" see him down there? He's in trouble... what's your plan, go" mr stark asked, " I say we blast him into pieces" I said smirking. " uhm, uhm ok, have you ever seen this really old movie "aliens" ", Peter than begun explaining.


The alien turned around looking at mr star- story iron man I mean. Iron man was ready to blast at him. " I could end your friends life in an instant" squidward said, " I gotta tell you he's not really my friend, saving his life is more of a professional courtesy ", mr stark said back.

" you saved nothing, your powers are inconsequential compared to mine" squidward said lifting two block like things with his powers, " ya the kids seen more movies" mr stark said.
Then i set off a big explosion wich exploded the wall and made bunch of air get sucked out of this ship including squidward. 

Dr strange was about to get sucked out until his cape caught him, then strange accidentally let go until pete- I mean Spiderman caught him with his web. Once Spiderman caught him, iron man iced up the wall so no more air could get sucked out.

Dr strange fell to the ground and peter walked up to his cape. " hey we haven't officially met" Spiderman said to the cape but the cape just walked off, "cool" Spiderman said.

" we gotta turn this ship around" strange said as iron man got out of his suit, " ya, now he wants to run.. great plan" mr stark said sarcasticly. " no I want to protect the stone" strange said, " and I want you to thank me now, go ahead im listening" stark said.

" for what nearly blasting me Into space", strange commented, " who just saved your magical ass? Me-" strange said before i zoned them out and walked up to peter.

" hey you did great... yknow- blasting open the wall with your powers", Peter complimented, " uhm.. thanks, you dida great job catching strange" I complimented back a bit confused. " I uh, I think your powers are really cool, u can destroy things and blast things and fling things... the only problem is you can't control it, you just gotta learn to control it" He began explaining.

" excuse me" I said getting a tiny bit offended, " oh no, I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just saying" he said. " ooookayyy, well I think you should stop talking" I said confused.
Peter is a very confusing awkward boy.

" I'm back up" Peter said cutting into mr stark and stranges conversation, " no you two are stowaways, the adults are talking", mr stark said. " excuse me I'm not a stowaway ", I said, " I'm sorry I'm confused as to what the relationship is here, what are they your wards" strange said preferring to me and Peter.

" no, uh- I'm Peter by the way" Peter said holding his hand out for strange to shake, " " doctor strange" he said back without shaking peters hand. " oh were using made up names, uhm... I'm Spiderman then" Peter said, " mines ramona" I chimed in.

Strange just walked off. " this ship is self correcting it's course, the things on auto pilot" mr stark said, " can we control it? Fly us home?", strange asked. But mr stark didn't respond. " stark" strange said, " ya?" Mr stark responded. " can u get us home?" Strange asked again, "ya I heard you..... and I'm not so sure we should", mr stark said.

" under no circumstances can we bring the time stone to thanos, I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here", Dr strange said, " what? No. It's you who doesn't understand that thanos has been inside my head for six years, since he sent an army to new York and now he's back, and I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan if I wanna fight him on our turf or his. But you saw they did, what they can do. At least on his turf their not expecting it, so I say we take the fight to him. Doctor.... do you concur?" Mr stark said.

" alright stark.... we go to him. But you have to understand if it comes to saving you, or the kids, or the timestone.... I will not hesitate to let all of you die. I cant because the universe depends on it" Dr strange said, " harsh" I whispered to peter.

" nice. Good mortal compass.... we're straight" mr stark said as he patted stranges shoulder and walked towards us, " alright kids...... your avengers now" mr stark said touching our left shoulders and then right shoulders as if we were warriors.

" holy shit" I whispered as Peter just stood proud of himself.

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