Christmas Tree

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"Sophie! Your friends are here!"

"Coming mom!" Sophie shouted back. She ran downstairs and ran into a hard object that knocked her to the ground.

"Good to see you too Foster" the object, which turned out to be Keefe said. Sophie's face burned as Keefe helped her up. 

"Everyone else is ready in the living room."

 "Sorry Keefe." Sophie told him as she fastened her cloak in place, and kissed him gently on the cheek. Sophie had been really excited when Grady and Edaline had agreed to take Sophie and her friends to get a Christmas tree, ornaments, and lights. Decorating a tree was a human tradition that Sophie wanted to introduce her friends to. Keefe and Sophie made their way downstairs, and Dex called out

"there she is! Any longer and I was thinking we could go without her!" Sophie glared at him the way Grady was currently glaring at Keefe next to Sophie. Ever since they told Grady and Edaline about them being together, Grady had been extra strict with Keefe. Dex, Biana, Fitz, and Linh waited on the couches in the living room.

"Are we ready to go?" Edaline asked as she pulled out her leap Crystal.

"I think so!" Sophie replied. They light leaped to the forbidden cities, and with their birth fund they went to the store and bought a tree stand, lights, and ornaments for the tree they were going to get. All of Sophie's friends stared at the items in excitement. As soon as they left the store Edaline conjured the supplies home and they headed to Pick out a Christmas tree.

"Is this a good tree?" Dex asked, pointing at a tree that was about as tall as him. 

"Sorry Dex" Sophie said as she shook her head. 

"We are looking for a tall tree with strong branches." Sophie heard shouts from deeper in the tree stand and raced towards them with Dex.

"Is this good Sophie?" Biana asked while the others circled the tree. 

"Yeah! Great find Biana!" Sophie said. Grady picked up the tree and they paid then light leaped home. While they set up the tree in the living room Dex modified the Christmas lights to work without a plug.

"Are the Christmas lights ready Dex?" Sophie asked. 

"I think so! Just push the button to light them up." He turned them on, and got some squeals of excitement from her friends.

"What do we do with them?" Fitz asked. 

"We put them on the tree!" Sophie said with excitement. To show her friends she her used telekinesis to wrap the lights around the tree gently.

"I love it!" Linh squealed.

 "Do you want to put the ornaments on the tree?" Sophie asked. 

" YES!" Her friends shouted.


After hanging the ornaments on the tree and many explanations that "the ornaments a fragile, and if you drop them they break" Sophie used the kitchen to make hot Cocoa for everyone. While Sophie was sipping her hot cocoa Keefe came up to her and asked her to come outside with him. They grabbed their cloaks and quietly went outside.

"What's up?" Sophie asked Keefe as they sat under the panakes tree. 

"I just wanted to thank you for a great day, and i thought you could use some one on one Lord Hunkyhair time." Keefe said making Sophie blush. Sophie couldn't think of anything to say so she sipped her hot cocoa noticing that it had begun to snow. 

"The look on your face was pretty priceless when you saw the Christmas lights asile in the store" Sophie said with a smirk. 

"The look on YOUR faces is going to be pretty priceless less when I tell you to look up" Keefe said with a smile. Sophie looked up and saw a small bunch of mistletoe hanging above them. Sophie turned to Keefe, grabbed his shirt and kissed him. 

"Merrry Christmas Sophie." Keefe said before he kissed her back. 

"Merry Christmas Keefe."

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