Halloween 🎃

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"It's just a costume!" Sophie said, for what seemed the millionth time. She and Keefe were costume shopping, because she was going to introduce trick or treating to him later that night. 

"I know! But it creeps me out!" Keefe Said with a shiver. They were looking at a costume that made it look like aliens were kidnapping you. Sophie couldn't really blame him. When she was little that type of costume freaked her out too. 

"You need a costume to go trick or treating, Keefe! Hurry up and decide!" They had been at the costume shop for almost an hour, and he still hadn't decided. 

"You know Foster, if you wanted to go on a date with me you could just ask." Keefe said with a smirk. Sophie turned around and pressed her lips against his and smiled. 

"Okay, Keefe, do you want to go on a date with me trick or treating?" She asked.

"Thought you would  never ask." Keefe said. Out of the corner of her eye Sophie spotted the perfect costume for him. She grabbed a unicorn onesie, and found a pair of wings to add to them. 

"Try this on." Sophie said, thrusting the pile at him. A few minutes later Keefe came out of the changing room with a big smirk on his face. 

"I'm thinking you like it." Sophie said, glad that he had finally decided. 

"Like it Foster? I love it! And I am rocking this look." She couldn't deny it. Keefe looked good in everything.


Later that evening Sophie was dressed as a witch, Keefe was in his unicorn onesie with wings, and they had some how convinced Sándor to dress up as an old lady. There was a lot of grumbling, but Sophie told him that if he wanted to come with them he had to dress up. There was also a lot of laughing, and teasing(from Keefe). 

"Are you ready?" Sophie asked them. 

"Always!" Keefe responded "though, does anyone have a camera so I can take a picture of Sándor for Grizel?" She shook her head no. They leaped away and landed where Sophie had grown up. 

"I still don't get why I need a pillow case." Keefe said looking at it sideways. "Is it magical of something?"

"No Keefe." Sophie said with a sigh. "Here is what we do. You go up to the house, nock on the door, and when they open it, say trick or treat. Then you hold out  your pillow case, and they put some candy in it. 

"Okaaayy. If you say so Foster." Keefe said hesitantly. Sophie couldn't hide her smile as they walked up to the first house on the street. "How you doing grandma?" Keefe asked as he patted Sándor on the back. 

"Don't talk to me. And if you  call me grandma again I will kill you." Sándor grumbled walking faster. 

"Easy grandma. Don't want you to strain something." Keefe smirked. They rang the doorbell on the first house and Keefe was bouncing with excitement. When the door had barely opened Keefe nearly shouted

"TRICK OR TREAT!!" The person at the door smiled and put some candy in their pillowcases. "What's next Foster?" Keefe asked with enough enthusiasm to make Sophie laugh. 

"Let's go down the block, and we can do this until you get tired." Sophie says. 

"Tired?! You should know me enough by now to know that I don't tire easily." Keefe teased. 

****************************************** after two hours ***********************************

Keefe and Sophie's pillowcases were full of candy and they were tired as they light leaped home.  

"I still can't believe that humans have one night a year where they can get free candy. And elves don't do it!" Keefe said annoyed. They were in Sophie's room and she was sorting her candy while Keefe watched, trying to copy her. 

"Did you have a good time?" Sophie asked. 

"With you Foster? Always." Keefe said pink lightly coloring his cheeks. Keefe leaned over and kissed her gently. "Well... i should be headed home." He swept his candy into his pillow case and stood up. Sophie did the same. 

"Hey Keefe?" Sophie asked.


"Thanks." Sophie said and kissed him on the cheek. Keefe light leaped away and Sándor cleared his throat in the doorway and raised an eyebrow. "Don't say anything." 

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