Sleepover pt 3

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Hopefully my writing is good, but I hope that anyone who has read this far likes my writing! It's new years pretty soon. Anyone have a resaloution? Please share in the comments! Enjoy the story! 

Bean out ->


The girls joined the boys back in their room, and all the boy's mouths dropped. 

"Anybody in for a game of spin the bottle?" Keefe asked with a slightly evil smirk. Everyone agreed and biana went to get a bottle from the kitchen.

"Who's going first?" Biana asked as she sat down. "Great! I'll go. If you refuse the kiss you have to do a keefe level dare right?" She asked as everyone nodded. She spun the bottle and it landed on.... Linh. (Don't worry im not that mean) biana agreed to do a keefe level dare instead. 

"I dare you to go in a closet with Tam for 7 minutes." Keefe said as he dragged tam and her over to a closet. 

                                              Biana Pov (1st person)

Keefe shoved me and Tam in a closet locking the door. 

"Sooo.." I started, but was cut off to a pair of lips on mine. They pulled away just as fast as they had come.

"Sorry." Tam said looking down sheepishly. I leaned over to him and kissed him back. He pulled me closer to him and we stayed like that. Me sitting in his lap with my arms around his neck, lips pressed against his, his arms wrapped around me. Eventually Keefe knocked telling us the 7 minutes were over, and we could come out. As we rejoined the group linh asked teasingly

"It was so quiet. What did you guys do in there?"

"Who's turn is it?" asked cutting her off. 

"Dex." She replied with a smile on her face. Dex spun the bottle and it landed on....Marella. He kissed her quickly and looked away bright red. 

"Your turn Sophie." Dex said said handing her the bottle. She spun it, and it landed on....keefe. 

"Pucker up buttercup!" Keefe said, smirking.  Their kiss lasted a lot longer than dex and Marellas., and only ended when Tam cleared his throat smirking. Both were flushed bright red. 

"Maybe we should go to bed." I said, already getting up to change into pjs. The other girls followed  me and the boys followed fitz into our rooms. 

"So Biana... what did you actually do with tam?" Marella asked slyly. I threw her pajamas att her head and sat down on my bed. 

"We talked..." I lied. 

"I don't believe you!" Linh said in a sing song voice.

"Fine!" I said. "We kissed... sorry linh."

"Why are you sorry?" She asked. "I know my brother likes you, and you two are SO  cute together!" After getting dressed the girls joined the boys in the big room they had been in before. 

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Sophie asked. 

"Sure! I said, as the others agreed. 

"How about avatar?" She asked. we nodded a settled in. I curled up next to tam, and he put his arms around me. Sophie was snuggling with keefe, fitz with Linh, and dex with Marella. After the movie Marella was asleep on dex and linh looked like she was about to fall asleep. Dex carried Marella to her sleeping bag as we all got in ours. 

"Are you awake?" I whispered to tam. His response was scooting over to me and I slept curled in his side. 

               The next morning (3rd person pov)

"Aww look how cute They are!" Marella whispered to Linh. Biana was sleeping with Tam, and Sophie had scooted closer to Keefe in the night, and Keefe had his are lightly around her. 

"What...?" Biana said groggily as she slowly sat up. Linh giggled. The girls woke the boys up. Biana squeezed tam gently in a hug, Sophie played loud music in Keefes ear, linh splashed fitz's face with water, Marella shook dex awake. They had brekfast and then got dressed. After playing a few rounds of a human card game Sophie brought, biana had an Idea.

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