True Beauty Underneath ~ Garth

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Pairing: Garth X Popular Fem Reader

Requested By: No One
Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name

"I love your shoes (Y/N)! They are so cute!" Carol says as she is walking with you down the street.

"Thanks. My mom got them for my birthday last week." You say happily.

"Girl you get everything you want. Meanwhile I can't even get Hal Jordan." Carol says annoyedly.

"I'm sure he'll come around Carol." You say reassuringly.

"Oh I know he will. He just likes playing hard to get." Carol says annoyedly as you chuckle.

"When do boys not like playing that game with girls?" You ask as you look at Carol.

"Yeah. You're right. Anyway I'll see you. Gotta head to work." Carol says.

"Bye Carol. We're still on for prepping for the prep rally with the other cheerleaders right?" You ask curiously.

"Right. See ya." Carol says as she runs off.

"Bye... Phew. Thought she'd never leave. I love hanging out with her but I wanna hit the store before it closes. I got just enough time left." You say as you walk off.


"Here you are (Y/N). You got in here just in time. This was my last copy." Sal says as he is handing you a copy of a comic book inside his store.

"I've been wanting to read this since it came out. I'm so excited." You say happily.

"Well just between us. It's my favorite issue of the comic." Sal says as he smiles.

"It sure looks good from the cover." You say as you look at the cover of the comic.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" A voice asks revealing to be Garth.

"Garth!?" You ask in alarm.

"Well hey there Garth. Sorry you arrived a little late. Little lady here just bought the last copy I had of Crash Nebula vs the Space Monsters of Quantom World. Anyway kids it's time to lock up." Sal says as you and Garth go outside the store.

"You like comics!?" Garth asks loudly before you cover his mouth with your hand.

"Shh! Not so loud." You say worriedly as you look around before removing your hand from Garth's mouth.

"I can't believe one of the most popular girls in school likes comics and nerdy stuff." Garth says in surprise.

"Please don't say anything. If anyone finds out my reputation will be ruined." You say worriedly.

"Why do you care so much about your reputation? Your friends should like you for who you are." Garth says in confusion.

"You don't know what it's like to be part of the popular group Garth. There's things you just simply can't do and like." You say sadly as you sigh and look down.

"But if you're not able to be yourself then what's the point at all?" Garth asks.

"My parents for one. They have a lot of expectations for me. Besides my group isn't really my friends anyway. They just hang around because I'm rich and a cheerleader." You say as you look at Garth.

"Well I wouldn't do you that way. I honestly think you're pretty cool. I never met a girl who likes the same comics as me. Or one brave enough to enter a comic book store either." Garth says as he smiles.

"Tell you what. I'll give you the comic for keeps after read it. Just please don't tell anyone about this though." You say kindly as you smile.

"Really?" Garth asks happily.

"Really." You say kindly.

"Awesome! Thanks!" Garth says happily.

"You're welcome. Anyway gotta head home. Got homework to do." You say as you gesture to another direction.

"Okay... Oh and (Y/N)?" Garth says as you begin to leave before stopping to look at him.

"Yeah?" You ask.

"I'll keep your secret but I think you shouldn't hide who you are. If they're really your friends they'll understand." Garth says.

"Thanks. It's wishful thinking but I don't think it will work." You say in disbelief.

"I'll prove it to you. Just give me a chance okay?" Garth asks before you sigh.

"Alright..." You say before leaving.

*Timeskip 5 Months*

"Are you sure I'm ready for this? I'm not as good about it as you are." You say worriedly as you are helping Garth pack things in his MAMX club for an upcoming competition.

"You'll be fine. I have faith in my partner." Garth says as he smiles at you.

"Thanks Garth." You say as you smile.

"(Y/N)?" A voice asks revealing to be Carol.

"Carol! Uh what are you doing here?" You ask worriedly.

"Looking for you. Why are you with the geek?" Carol asks as she comes over.

"He's not a geek. His name is Garth and I was uh..." You say nervously.

"Why are you defending him? Are you friends with him!? Are you actually part of this nerdy club too!?" Carol asks as she looks at you in shock.

"Yeah..." You say nervously.

"You're no popular girl. Any self respecting popular girl wouldn't be caught near geeks like this." Carol says angrily before Garth steps in front of you.

"Leave her alone Carol. (Y/N) is my friend and I'm not gonna let you talk to her like that. So what if she likes nerdy stuff? For one I think that's awesome and think she is awesome. And if you can't be nice then leave." Garth says sternly as he gives Carol an annoyed look.

"Whatever. You're off the cheerleader committee." Carol says as she leaves.

"Well that went well." You say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry that happened (Y/N)." Garth says as he looks at you.

"No it's alright. But why did you stand up for me? You didn't have to do that." You say as you look at Garth.

"I wanted too... But also did because I like you... A lot." Garth says shyly as he blushes.

"Really?" You ask in surprise.

"Yeah. I like you for who you are. I don't care about your popularity or what you have. I think the girl you are is pretty awesome." Garth says as he smiles.

"I like you too Garth. Come on. Let's get back to preparing for our competition." You say as you blush before smiling at Garth.

"Awesome!" Garth shouts happily as you chuckle slightly.

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