When They're Jealous

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She'll act really lovey dovey to make the other person uncomfortable until they leave.


She tries to let you handle it yourself and if that doesn't work she'll make up excuses to get you to come with her.


She'll watch from a distance and if the person doesn't take a hint she'll come over and hold hands with you.


She prefers to watch from a distance but if the other person gets really touchy or talkative she'll pout before getting angry and going off on the person.


She trusts you and will happily give you a hand if need be but tries to let you handle it on your own.


She will be really upset or she'll act really clingy and affectionate it depending on the person.


He will pout and act distant.

Hal Jordan

He tries to play it off like he isn't but is really upset and will act huffy.


He gets clingy and will act reallg affectionate.

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