Chapter two

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Larissa opens the door of my room to be.
I am hit with the sight of pink walls, fluffy white pillows and bean bags in a circle. My roommate entertains company. How great, not.

"Make yourself comfortable Delilah" Larissa ushers me into the room.
I jump when a girl shows up out of nowhere, her words from such a high pitch voice feel like they pierce my ears.
"Hi! You must be Delilah, Wednesday's sister!"
"That is true. And you are?"
I look her up and down taking in her pale skin, almost as transparent as me. She wears black sunglasses that counterparts her dark hair.
"I'm very excited to finally have a room mate, it's been lonely here. I have company over most nights, I hope that won't bother you."
"It might but I suppose my complaining won't stop you." I reply.

I give one more glance around the room, spotting our principal at the door. I forgot she was still here as she's been silent as a mouse.

"Well Delilah it looks like you two have now been introduced so I shall leave you to unpack and get yourself sorted. I will send Ajax by shortly to give you a tour of the school. Dinner will be at 6:30pm, I will check on you then."

"Thank you Principal Weems" I say as she closes the door.

I place my suitcase on my bed, slowly spreading my things on the quilt. I must change the colour.

"The wall colour is atrocious." I say to Yoko.

"But pink is my favourite! It's so pretty and I love how sweet it makes the room feel."

"It is revolting, I don't understand how you don't feel the need to throw up every time you walk in here."

"You'll get used to it. If you dislike it that much you can always redecorate your half of the room."

"That may be a good idea."
At least she is open to the idea of me doing my own thing.

After I have unpacked my bag and placed everything in order someone timidly knocks on the door. Yoko answers it.

A tall boy stands at the door. His pale skin reflects the light coming through the large round window at the end of my room, his eyes a dark brown, hair covered by material. His body language is relaxed but his eyes show he's nervous.

"Hey Yoko, I'm here to show Delilah around? Wednesday's sister?"

Oh look the quivering boy talks?

"Of course! She's just over here."
Yoko walks over to me gripping my shoulders to lead me to the door. I walk with her avoiding falling over from her push.

"Oh um hi" the boy stammers.

"Hello. I assume you are Ajax the boy I was told would show me around."

"Yep, that's me. I guess we best get going, bye Yoko."

"Bye Ajax" she calls behind her as she makes her way to her bed.

"Well ladies first", he says as he gestures for me to walk forward.

~you and only you~ Tyler x OC (Delilah Addams)Where stories live. Discover now