Chapter seven

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6am, I'm woken by my tortured squirrel alarm (a gift from pugsley, Wednesday and I have matching ones).

I get dressed and leave for the dining hall, Yoko is still sleeping. Being Saturday I suppose sleeping in has been normalised.

I was correct, the hall is completely empty, nobody must be awake yet.

I sit alone eating my toast while reading the morning newspaper when I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn to see Ajax behind me.

"This seat taken?"

"It will be if you choose for it to be."

"Okay cool", he says as places his tray of breakfast on the table.

"So", he begins as he shovels scrambled eggs into his mouth, "you must be an early bird then."

"To some degree. Society has made it that humans now waste days sleeping."

He nods in agreement.

"So, Delilah what are your plans for today?"

"I was thinking of going for a walk into town today. Perhaps going to the Library. What have you got in mind."

"Well, Xavier works at the coffee shop Saturdays and Sundays so I might stop by and use his worker discount."

Tyler's smile enters my mind. Instead of begging to join all I can say to restrain myself is, "Oh, fun. Do you know when you'll be leaving?"

I mustn't become distracted, I have work to get done.

"Probably around 2:00, I'm gonna spend this morning with Enid."

"I should visit my sister, see how she's going."

Ajax finishes his plate of bacon and eggs and begins preparing to leave.

"Might be the right thing to do. I better go, I might see you at Enid's dorm. Seeing as they're roommates."

"Yes, of course. I best leave too."

Ajax exits the dining hall, I follow close behind. He leaves for his dorm as I go straight to Wednesday.

I reach her door and begin knocking. I am met by Enid, her blond curls a mess. She must have just woken.

"Hi", she stiffles with a yawn, eyes widening when she realised who I am.

"Oh my gosh!!! You must be Wednesday's twin! You two look so similar. Not that you wouldn't, of course you would you're identical twins. Sorry, now I'm rambling. I'm Enid."

"I'm Delilah."

"Wow you're just as expressionless as Wednesday, I didn't think that would be possible."

I'm not emotionless or expressionless, I just don't care to share my feelings for the world. All that does is show weakness and benefits no one.

"We are twins in more ways than one."

"I suppose, you must be looking for Wednesday?"

"Yes, is she here?"

Dumb question of course she is, I can hear her typewriter.

Enid opens the door to let me in, I make my way over to my sister.

"Hello Delilah" she greets me without pausing to look at me.

"Hello Wednesday, I thought I would check on you to see how you and your book are coming along."

"I am well and my story is fine. I have my suspicions on who the Hyde is."

"The Hyde?"

"There is a monster running around the town at the moment and I seek to find who it is. Although I think I know. Were you not aware of this?"

"No I haven't heard anything about it, people must be avoiding the topic. I am going for a walk into town, I won't be late."

"Let me know if you see anything."

I turn to leave the room and begin my trip to town ignoring my sisters request.

After 30 minutes of walking along a path that stretches through fields of long grass, and through a dark forest I reach my destination, the town library. I could have gone to the school library but this way I can leave the academy grounds.

After an hour or so of reading through books on herbology for our exam this coming Friday, I begin my trip home.

Walking past the coffee shop I take a glimpse in through the window and see Ajax waving. He gestures for me to join him.

The last thing I need right now is to see Tyler, not with my exam coming up. Then again.. an hour or so of distraction isn't going to do anyone any harm?

Despite all intruding thoughts I make my way into the quaint building and take a seat in the booth Ajax is sitting.

No sight of Tyler. Today might be my luck.

"Sorry to interrupt your walk but I thought you could keep me company while I sit here taking advantage of Xavier's discount. This way we share the blame" Ajax tells me.

"Yes.. Well I'm happy to join you."

Tyler comes into view. He's taking orders today while Xavier acts as waiter.

I feel my heart beating through my chest, my eyes feel glued to him. I force myself to look at Ajax, fighting the urge to take another glance at his face.

I guess today isn't my lucky day.

~you and only you~ Tyler x OC (Delilah Addams)Where stories live. Discover now