Chapter three

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Side by side, we wonder the halls as he talks me through all the different rooms and their individual purposes. 

We stop to look at the fountain-  the main attraction of the court yard.

"So are you excited to start classes?" he awkwardly asks.

"As an academic I am keen I suppose to start. Although starting midterm isn't the most ideal time to catch up."

"I hear you.. exams are really stressful especially as of late." Ajax remarked.

We walk through corridors, no words being spoken. I find myself wanting to break the silence, small talk to keep the time going and prevent social awkwardness. What has become of me.

"So what's your deal? Why do you have material wrapped around your head?", I say with a slightly more bitter tone than I was expecting.

"Oh", he lets out a small laugh almost a giggle, "I'm a gorgon. Like Medusa.. just a little more shy."


"Well I don't like walking around stoning everyone"

"Oh right."

Light conversation bounced between us for the remaining 30 minutes of gazing at passageways, staircases, and statues.

As we reach the end of our tour, just before the door to my room, Ajax turns to face me.

"Do you think you'll be able to find your way around now?"

"I hope so otherwise this will would  have been for nothing." I retort.

"Hey now, you got to spend an hour with me! Can't have been that bad."

"Sure", I chuckle.

"Okay well I best be off, but if you need someone to sit with at dinner i'll be with Xavier."

"Xavier?" I question.

"Oh yes, I haven't introduced you two yet. He's my best friend, you'll meet him at dinner"

"Alright then", I smile, "well I will see you at dinner."

"Okay Delilah, see you later."

He turns around, walking away with his hands in his pockets.

I enter my room with a little smile on my face,  perhaps this year won't be as lonely as I believed.

~you and only you~ Tyler x OC (Delilah Addams)Where stories live. Discover now