Chapter four

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6:30pm. Yoko is reminding me that I'm going to be late. For having only known her one day she sure is bossy. I'm sitting at my desk editing my sisters current work of progress.

Wednesday's goal is to finish writing her book before the age of that her favourite author did. While she writes the stories I am in charge of editing them.

I put down the papers and stand to tuck my chair in. Yoko is standing by the door waiting for me to join her. I make my way over ignoring her look of fear about us being "late". We walk in silence to the dining hall.

I spot Ajax sitting three tables to the left so I make my way over.

He greets me, "Delilah, you made it. I thought you were going to hide in your room."

"I have to eat at some time."

"Very true. Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Xavier, Bianca, Lily, Adam, and Edward.", he gestures to each individual as he announces them.

"Nice to meet you all."

I am greeted by hellos all around. Ajax moves over making room for Yoko and I to sit. Main courses are served and I practically inhale it. I didn't realise I was so hungry.

"Tomorrow we're heading to the nearby coffee shop if you'd like to join us.. it's about a 30 minute walk from here, we'll leave around 10", Xavier offers.

"Sure", getting outside would probably do me some good anyways

The evening comes to an end and we all return to our dorms. Yoko is listening to music through her headphones which are much too loud for anyone to relax with. I have no idea how she sleeps. Hopefully I pass out as quickly as she.

~you and only you~ Tyler x OC (Delilah Addams)Where stories live. Discover now