For Your Safety

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People must wear non-medical masks safely, especially nowadays because of the ongoing crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to us. First, you should clean your hands by washing them with soap and water to eliminate any bacteria that can cause infection. Ensure that the water and soap that you're using are germ-free. Second, scrutinize the mask for damage or if filthy. Take into account that a mask that appears to be damaged or wet is not to be worn. Third, adjust the mask to your face without leaving gaps to the sides; do not use a mask that is difficult to breathe through or is loose. Make certain to cover your mouth, nose, and chin, and do not wear the mask under your nose. Furthermore, avoid touching the mask and do not remove it where there are people within 1 meter. Consider not sharing your mask with others to avoid the spread of the disease. After going out in the public, clean your hands before detaching the mask away from your face by the straps behind the ears or head. Once again, clean your hands after removing the mask. Then, store the mask in a clean plastic, resealable bag if it is not dirty or wet and you plan to reuse it. The final step is to remove it by the straps when taking it out of the bag and wash the mask in soap or detergent, preferably with hot water, at least once a day.

[Original Work of Lianne Talan]

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