In the Face of Adversity

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People say that Research is never a blast
That it is only done to pass the class
But they never consider the beauty of this task
For this is what can free us from our barbaric lacks.

Crises are becoming ubiquitous, 
So much so to the point of being nefarious.
And while most people sadly think it's hilarious,
Research attempts to wipe out the impacts that are horrendous.

In the world of the unknown,
Research is what guides us to grow.
It tells us what's real and what's faux,
And even assists society in its most miserable lows.

Research slowly eliminates the community's agony,
Along with people's pain and melancholy.
As it serves as the golden key
For everyone to access basic luxury.

Research drags most of our difficulties down.
Errands can be made easier, which can erase one's frown.  
It has incredible ways of ameliorating all things and about,
And that's why it should be given a crown.

Yearning to be an attorney, I know that research can enhance Laws.
It can point out and unravel the Justice System's Flaws.
Research provides beneficial evidences that are raw,
So much so that the true suspects of a case will be left hanging by the Jaw.

We should never say that Research is a nuisance
But rather, something that can truly boost our puissance.
Research is what can bring us that ethereal glee,
Especially in the face of adversity.


[Original Work of Lianne Talan]

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