Chapter 1.

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3rd person pov

King Dice was in the casino, running towards the Devil's office. When he was there, he heard the words he would never forget. "I see you defeated my  good for nothing lackey." He didn't have to hear the rest, with that he already knew what his boss thinks of him. A 'good for nothing lackey'. Than he heard... Fighting? Screaming? He didn't know, but after a few minutes he saw the door knob moving, so he quickly hid in the corner. As he saw the cups leave the Devil's office injured, He knew something was up. He didn't care anymore, all the bad thoughts raced through his mind, but two of them were screaming at him. What the Devil said about him and is the Devil okay? He had to admit, he liked his boss for quite a while now. As he ran into the room, he saw the Devil on the floor. King Dice looked worse than him, but he han up to Devil as fast as he could. He layed him on the desk and started patching him up with what he had.

Devil's pov

I woke up to Dice patching me up. I gotta admit, I was kind of suprised. He must have noticed because he said "What, you weren't expecting that from your 'good for nothing lackey' huh?" So he heard it.. "Dice that's not what I meant-" "Save it." he cut me off, done patching up my wounds. "I.. Won't be here by 10." I heard him say before he walked away. I'm so stupid. But now it's too late to apologise. When he turned around, I got up and saw that he was more injured than me but before I got to say anything I heard a door close, and foot steps getting more quiet every second. He left.
Time skip

Dice's pov

As I left the casino, I had a thought. What am I gonna do now? Where do I go? That's when I thought about one house that I could maybe stay in. The cups house. They won't be really happy to see me, especially that it's christmas time,but I have no other place to go. And so I headed to inkwell isle I and into the forest.

There's a she wolf in the closet :D

I hope you enjoyed the story so far, await for new chapters!
Word count: 406 words

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