|:| Chapter seven |:|

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<> Insert Cool Flashback <>

Intercom: " You are the first test subject of project Administrator. You'll be the first one ever. "

Intercom: " Prepare for testing... "

y/n: " H-Hey! I didn't agree to this! "

Intercom: " You have no choice but to participate. Either you cooperate, or you get terminated. "

y/n: " F-fine! " you say, annoyed

Intercom: " You may now enter the chamber. "

A chamber door would open up, revealing a dark room. You were forced to walk in, noticing ten guards all around your chamber, all with some sort of futuristic weapon.

You'd walk in, as the chamber door shuts behind you. You'd look around, not noticing anything until the lights in the chamber activate.

You'd notice a large mechanical beast, a large dinosaur like robot, that roars then glares at you

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You'd notice a large mechanical beast, a large dinosaur like robot, that roars then glares at you. You'd back away, as the beast stays still.

y/n: " E-easy th-there bud! " you'd say, afraid.

The beast then rushes at you, as it bites down. You'd dash towards the left, the beast smashing to the chamber door, making a large dent. The beast would then glare back at you, rushes at you, and swings at you using its claws.

y/n: " STOP! IM FRIENDLY! " you'd say, obvious panic

The beast seems to ignore you, and kept trying to rip you to shreds. It tries stomping, biting, swinging its claws, all missing.

Intercom: " Plot armor detected... Interesting. "

The beast seems to keep attacking, not a care in the world, until you,

y/n: " I COMMAND YOU TO STOP THIS INSTANT! " you'd shout.

A large shockwave would appear, fazing through the beast, and soon dissipates.

A large shockwave would appear, fazing through the beast, and soon dissipates

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As a strange symbol appears on your visor.

As a strange symbol appears on your visor

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|:| Basically y/n in murder drones. |:|Where stories live. Discover now