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< NAME >

➤ Y/N is rather soft spoken and generally calm drone, one who doesn't exactly like to raise their voice at another. They tend to stick alone, however in certain circumstances, they will decide to hang out with a group. They're sort of pacifistic, an outcome resulting due to their code. However, once again, under certain circumstances or if there is a malfunction, this line of code may be erased or temporarily deactivated.


➤ This part is entirely up to you.



➤ Y/N enjoys peace and quiet, which helps them calm down after a stressful or traumatic event.

➤ Nature, as Y/N finds it quite fascinating and beautiful, especially its scenery. However, due to the exo-planet, Copper-9 being completely covered in snow, it is a sight that Y/N has not yet seen except from stories and or photographs.

➤ Information. Y/N likes gaining information, not just in an academic sense, but Y/N enjoys watching certain things usually from afar, such as brawls which makes it so Y/N would gain information about certain things, such as the Disassembly Drone's tactics and fighting styles.


➤ Y/N absolutely loathes stuck-up, idiotic individuals that always think they're right and that they should be in-charge.

➤ Being woken up. I mean, who doesn't? After a long and tiring day, all you want would be to rest right? Now, imagine that getting disturbed because of something insignificant.

➤ Disassembly Drones. Y/N being a Worker Drone themselves, Disassembly Drones would be their absolute nightmare, since the only thing Disassembly Drones were known for was chaos and anarchy, leaving death and destruction wherever they walked, flew, you get the point.

// A/N: Man its been a while. A whole month or two without updating books, sorry about that. As I've stated multiple times before, school is quite a hassle. Anyways, Ill be rewriting most or all of the parts regarding this book, and probably some others if I get the time. Do you guys have any suggestions? If so, feel free to comment them. \\

|:| Basically y/n in murder drones. |:|Where stories live. Discover now