[:] Chapter sixteen [:] ( Draft )

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A/N: Sorry for leaving the more recent chapters as drafts. Ill mostly be trying to add more pictures in them, so no need to re-read them. Sorry for taking a while on this!

" = for speech
' = for muttering or whispering
[ ] = for thought
Italic = for narrating

Oden: " They're a group of interest, hellbent on the defeat of the, " Rogue heretics" or something. "

Y/N: " Heretics? "

Oden: " They're some sort of cult group or something, they're worshipping their " Mechanical Gods " or something. "

Y/N: " Oookay... And, why would I be in danger then-? "

Oden: " Well, they mostly worship the murder drones, they think they've sinned and that they're being punished by their God or something. "

Y/N : " Sounds ridiculous. "

Oden: " Well, yeah, but the writer is running out of ideas. "

Y/N: " Wha- "

Oden: " Moving on. "

Y/N: " And why would I be in danger, if they think that the murder drones are good...? Im literally a stronger murder drone- "

Oden: " Well, basically, they know you're rogue. "

Y/N: " Is stalking their specialty or something? "

. . .

Y/N: " Wait. "

Oden: " It indeed is. "

Y/N: " That's... Just straight up wrong- "

Oden: " Well, you could try to stop them. But good luck. "

Y/N: " I could, but I have a feeling that would end up as me and others getting captured. "

Oden: " Who knows? " she'd shrug

Oden soon began to walk forward, walking deeper into the facility. After you heard her, you decide to take her advice as you'd turn to where you came, backtracking as you'd once again walk through the halls of this seemingly unending maze. You'd soon began to wander, who exactly is the group of interest? Are they simply other Disassembly Drones? Or are they worker drones that have stayed loyal to JC Jenson?

You decided to leave the topic for another time. You'd soon enter the airlock chamber, as the doors opened one by one. Once you stepped out of the entrance of the facility, a small holographic map popped up on your visor, as it displayed a singular red dot.

Y/N: [ Wait, why is it red? Usually Murder Drones are yellow, and Worker Drone's are blue... What is- ]

You'd get cut off, as a shot was heard somewhere in the distance. The next thing you knew, you'd feel a slight pain on your cheek, as you'd ran a hand on it, then looked at your hand, revealing oil.

Y/N: " What the.. "

With the exact accuracy one would need, you'd figure it was a warning shot as you'd reveal wings, stretching them out as you'd flew in the night sky at high speeds. Another show would be heard, as one of your wings suddenly malfunctioned. You'd turn your head to look at it, realizing the shot hit one of the hinges or connectors, as you'd soon make a landing on the snow down below. It was more like a crash landing, but at least you survived.

You look around, as the red dot on the holographic map now seemed to approach you. You decide to get in a hiding spot for now, getting somewhere up above in a tree, as you'd look around. Soon after, you'd hear the crunching of snow, as you'd look around, soon eventually spotting the figure.

The figure appeared to be wearing a pauldron on their left arm, which held some sort of ensign that you have no knowledge off, it being a singular eye with a design. The figure appeared to be wearing a vest, and a utility belt that held a container, resembling a shape of a grenade of sorts. The figure walked around, and took one of the grenades from its utility belt.

Y/N: ' What are they... '

The figure threw the grenade, as it had a beeping sound. It was on the ground, a bit distance away from you as the figure turned around and began to walk. You didn't want to stick around to find out what the grenade would do, so you hopped down from your hiding spot and turned, as the grenade suddenly went off. The next thing you knew was darkness...

You open your eyes only to meet some sort of facility. You'd look around, as you'd see other fellow worker drones running around. They all seemed to be in panic, as some drone ran towards you. You would slowly make up their face... It was your Mom.

???: "Y/N! We gotta go, everything will be alright-! "

???: " We gotta head to- "

The figure got cut off. Being hit by a burst from a firearm. You'd turn your head to the figure, as you'd see a Murder Drone... They soon pointed their gun towards you...

A shot would be heard. You opened your eyes confused, as you see the Murder Drone on the ground, letting out oil as you look up, only to see another figure. The figure appeared to be your Father!

???: " Y/N! WE GOTTA GO! "

Your father ran towards you, and carried you, continuing to run. You and your father ran along with the other worker drones, then entered a large room, with a door similar to the present colony closing. They hid around the containers, with some worker drones actually in-front of the rest, holding metal pipes as there were suddenly explosions ringing. The reinforced door managed to get large dents, until it eventually made a whole large enough for the Disassembly Drones to breach.

DD(1): " Well, well, well. You guys did your best, but the game will have to end here. "

The Disassembly Drones rushed towards the workers. . . . . .

You open your eyes as you quickly get up and frantically looked around, spotting no one. You look at the holographic map, and saw nothing as well.

Y/N: " What... Where is... What did the... "

You once again look around, spotting no one... You remembered the weapons they held, a high-powered rifle, and stun grenades. You remembered once again that you were knocked out. We're they there to send a message? You decided to leave it for another time, and booked it to the colony.

AAAAAaaaaaand cut!

Ain't dead yet. Ill try to post chapters whenever I get the chance. Thank you guys for the support!

Word count: 1083


The mysterious figure was walking around the snowy forest, as they had a neutral expression...

???: " Overwatch, ambush has been done. They probably get the message by now... "

Overwatch: " Good. Continue your regular duties. "

???: " Understood, rendezvousing with the other members of The Observers squadron. "

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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