Chapter 14: Game Night

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Tubbo was acting very off.

So was Tommy too though—

I have no idea what's up with those two. Who knows. Maybe they're in love.

Oh who am I kidding. Tommy's straight. And I think he has a girlfriend...

But I still don't know what's up...

Doesn't matter right now though. It's game night!

"What's game night?" Tubbo asked, walking into Tommy's room. I was sitting on the floor, Tommy on his bed, and a pile of games in the corner.

"Do you really not know!?" Tommy exclaimed.

Tubbo shook his head as he sat down next to me, in front of Tommy.

"Oh. Basically you spend the night playing games and staying up late," I explained to the confused child.

"Ohhhhhh! I get it!" Tubbo said.

"So what should we play first?" Tommy said, standing up and walking towards the games.

Tubbo didn't care which one we did, so he let me choose. Very nice of him.

"What about telestrasions?" I suggested after looking at the pile for a bit.

"What's that one?" Tubbo asked.

"OH YOURE GONNA LOVE IT—" Tommy practically announced to the world.

"Alright then..." Tubbo said, giggling at Tommy's antics. I smiled. His laugh was cute. Wait a minute—

Tommy pulled the box out from the pile, and set it on the floor. We all gathered around it, as he opened the box.

Inside, a bunch of mini erase notebooks were inside.

"Everyone, pick a color," I said.

Tubbo chose green, Tommy chose red, and I chose yellow.

We all got cards with words on them. Next to each word was a dice. Each with a different number.

We all took a turn rolling the dice once, and we each got a word. We wrote it all on the first page, then turned it and drew it.

Then came the fun part. We passed them all, and had to guess what the other drew without looking at the word.

After writing our best guesses down, we passed them again, and the next person had to draw it.

This repeated a few times, until our books were filled.

I opened my book, and held in a laugh as I read what I got out loud.

My word was turtle. I drew a perfectly good turtle, and Tommy thought it was a snail. Tubbo drew what looked like a cinnamon roll. It somehow made its way into a sippy cup.

Tubbo's went from a cake to a speck of sand. Tommy's started as a blanket, and became a murder cow.

"Tubbo, how does that look like a frog!?" Tommy yelled in a fit of laughter.

"I don't know! I saw its giant tongue!" Tubbo answered loudly in a joking manner.

"Tubbo— THATS A SCARF!?" Tommy exclaimed.

I just laughed. I could see why people thought they were entertaining.

We played a few more games, and it was getting pretty late.

"What if we play one last game," Tommy questioned.

"Alright, what are you suggesting?" I asked.

"Truth or dare..." Tommy said suspiciously. What was up with him...

"Oh mannn I haven't played that game since like... 2nd grade—" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Since it was your idea, truth or dare Tommy?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "Truth."

Hmmm... oh!

"Did you eat all of my animal crackers last week?"

Tubbo burst out laughing.

Tommy looked guilty. "Maybe..."

"I KNEW IT!" I screeched. "You owe meeeee—"

"Awww dang—" Tommy said. "Y/n, truth or dare?



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