Chapter 5

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Nisa's POV

I suddenly woke up and I felt my head hurt like crazy.
I looked around to find myself in a bed that seems not to be mine. After a few seconds I realized why I wasn't in my bed.
I started to panic and looked around if I can find a clock or a phone to check the time. My bag was right next to the bed on a drawer. I quickly grabbed it and searched through my bag to find my phone.
I found it and I checked the time.
It was 9 AM, Sunday.
I placed my stuff back on the drawer that was next to me and placed my hand on my forehead. God my head was hurting so bad.
"Hey" a familiar voice said entering the room.
I looked at who it was and I found Adam standing there at the door frame, having his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked, starting to walk to the bed.
I lay down and close my eyes, still suffering from the headache I have.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you hurting?" He asked worried, crawling into the bed.
"My head hurts" I whin.
He places his hand on my forehead. " shit you're burning" he says in shook.
He quickly gets out of the bed leaving me alone in the room again.
After 2 mins I saw him coming back with a pack of medicines and a glass of water in both of his hands.
"Here my love, have this" he says handing me the medicine and glass water over.
I sit up and grab the stuff out of his hands. I thank him and quickly swallow the medicine.
I hand him the stuff back and fall back onto the bed.
He places the medicine and the glass on the drawer and gets into the bed.
He pulls me closer and starts to kiss me.
"Starting to fell better?" He asked.
"Yes" I said thanking him again.
He slowly snails his one hand on my lower stomach starting to massage it.
"How was you first time?" He asks smirking at me.
I look away from embarrassment. He chuckles and gives me more kisses on my cheeks.
I just love him..
"Don't you think it's kinda bad that we already slept together even though we don't really know each other for a long time?"
I ask him worried.
"Hey, it's okay, we still have all the time in the world. I mean cmon we already kissed on the first day we met" he laughed.
I started to laugh and pulled him closer to me.
He continued to massage my lower stomach, while still giving me kisses.

"ADAM!" Someone yells from the hall.
"Shit" Adam says looking at me.
"Who is that?!" I ask him confused.
"My annoying roommate" he says rolling his eyes.
He quickly gets up and walks out the the room closing the door behind me.
I hear him talking to his roommate, yet I'm not sure what they are talking about.
I get up and I start putting my clothes on.
I grab my stuff and head out the room only to find him standing there with his roommate?
His roommate seemed nice.
„Hello! Im nisa, I know im coming out of nowhere right now but I'm adams frien- girlfrie- I don't know yeah" I say awkwardly giving him my hand.
He grabs it not even hesitating to shake it.
„Damn adam.. you got yourself something good" he says chuckling.
Adam grabs my hand pulling me behind him.
Damn is he not gonna introduce himself?
„My bad.. I'm Connor! Connor Wilson. I'm adams roommate and bestfriend" he says winking over at Adam.
He seems nice and funny. And not gonna lie for a funny guy like him he's way tooo fine.
I mean look at his golden blonde hair and his gorgeous eyes, any girl would drool over him.
But Adam is still my fav.
„Yeah yeah. Now y'all know each other. We good?" Adam says pulling me back to my place.
Connor sighs and runs over to his room. „I'm going to bed" he says closing the door behind him, leaving me and Adam by ourselves.
„Im sorry about him" Adam says pulling me into a hug.
„No don't worry, he seems nice" I say hugging him tighter.
„You hungry?" he asks looking at me. „Nah, I'm going home. Sierra is waiting for me."I reply.
„You want me to give u a ride home?"he asks. „Nah, im Good thanks tho" I reply
I grab my jacket and start to head out.
After taking the bus home, I finally arrived.
„Nisa, where were you?!" Sierra yelled running up to me as soon as I entered the dorm.
„Sorry I was at adams place" I apologized.
„Wait..don't tell me you-„
„Yes Sierra, I slept with him." I said cutting her off.
„OMG! my baby is not a Virgin anymore" she whined giving me a big hug.
„Omg how was it tell me everything" she said pulling me on the couch waiting for me to tell her everything.
And I did, I told her every single moment.
„Gosh he's so perfect." she said falling back.
„But..I don't know if this was the right thing to do."I said worried.
She looked confused over at me and asked me why.
„I mean I don't really know him that long and I've already slept with him." I said rubbing my face stressfully.
„Nisa don't worry, I mean he seems pretty sweet" she says pulling me into a hug.
I lay my head on her shoulder as I keep thinking about it.
„What if he's a player, I mean he already kissed me at the first day we met" I said
„WAIT WHAT?! YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT" she said pushing me off of her.
„Sorry.." I apologized.
„Wow..." she sighed loudly crossing her arms.
„Okay okay from now on I will tell u everything about him or what ever happens." I promise
„As you should" she says getting up to go and grab something to drink.
„But the most important thing is, you literally just lost your virginity to this man. Well you still look like a Virgin to me hun" she says.
I roll my eyes and enter my room.
It's Sunday so I decided to sleep for the rest of the day.

*Adams POV*
I hope she's okay, was I to hard on her? Or what if she didn't like it.
Shitty thoughts have been running across my mind theses hours after she left.
Should I call her?
I decided to take a shower. I was tired after last night and I still couldn't get her out of my mind.
What if she's not feeling well?
I'll just see her tomorrow and try to talk to her about it. Maybe she needs time.

*Nisas POV*
Monday, 6AM
Shit.. my head still hurts.
I have class today and I'm still feeling kinda sick yet.
I get up and quickly go to the kitchen to grab some more medicine.
I check the time and start to get ready.
I was almost late but lucky I made it to class on time.
I looked around to see if Adam was also attending class. He was there. Sitting with his friends.
I give him a death stare. How dare he not sit next to me or not even come over to me.
He looks at me confused not know what to do. Out of nowhere my friend warren sits next to me.
„Hey" he says giving me a warm smile. „Hi warren" I reply giving him a soft smile.
We started a small conversation, and as he was talking to me. I felt 2 raged eyes looking at me.
They were adams. He gave me the most angry stare ever and to be honest they started to light up in fire.
I gave him a small smirk, cause I mean who doesn't like to tease.
He grabs his pencil, looking down while smiling as if he was gonna get his revenge.
That was scary though.
Times passes and class is already over.
I get out and I start to walk past the hallway when I suddenly get pulled into a room.
I panic as the person pulling me into the room which seemed like to be the locker room closes it.
I try to see who it was but it was to dark.
„What the fuck.." I say trying to open the door.
But the person pushes me against one of the lockers.
„So you like playing around huh" a familiar voice says.
Adam?" I hesitated.
He starts to suck on my neck as he snakes his arms around my waist.
God this man.. you cannot play with him.
you like teasing huh?" he laughs.
I tremble from his warm breath under my neck.
„I'm sorry, it won't happen again"I quickly apologize.
He laughs, pulling me closer to his body.
„So who is he?" he asks. „ just a friend..he's nobody" I answer.
„Sure" he laughs again. He had me stuttering..
He can be so scary.
„Does he know that you're mine?"
I feel my stomach starting to fill up with butterflies.
„Hm?" he asks. „Does he know how good I can fuck you?"
Tell me my love" he says.
I felt shivers going down my spine. He's just...
He presses his leg against my inner thighs while still having me shoved against the lockers.
I whimper from his actions.
„Now don't act all innocent" he says.
„Please.."I beg
He laughs and starts to press his leg harder against me.
He grabs my chin and starts to kiss me.
His kisses are so passionate.
But it got wild, he started to get aggressive and pulled me closer and closer against him.
He shoved his tongue into my mouth and did not let go of me.
IN THE LOCKER ROOM?! Damn this man...
I tried to pull away but he didn't let me go.
Im not done" he says picking me up.
He kept kissing me as he was carrying me on top of him.
He was so strong and never got tired of our lips tied together.
„Don't ever tease me like that again, got that?" he spoke against my lips.
"Mhm" I answer still pressing him against me.


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