Chapter 6

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What is it like being loved? What is it like feeling love? What is it like being in love? What is it like hating love? What is it like not wanting love? What is it like never being able to feel love?
Do we know exactly what love is or are we just desperate to experience it?
Does everyone experience love differently.. do we feel loved enough? Are we loved enough?
There are always the ones that give love but never received back the same amount of love that they gave. The ones that receive a lot of love but don't give others the same amount of love back. The ones that receive the same amount of love back that they gave.. and then there are the ones that give nothing, and receive nothing.
It's an awful unfair thing and it has effected many people.
Friendly reminder to always spread love and comfort. That way everyone feels loved and welcome in this world.❤️

Thursday. 4pm
Authors POV
Nisa is getting some work done. She has been very busy the last few days and tries to keep up.
Adam has been spending a lot of time at the art studio, drawing and creating new art works.
There was a party coming up in 2 days and everyone from the university was invited.
It was kind of like a prom just more fun and less elegant.
Nisa has finally finished her work stuff and got up to go to Sierras room.
Sierra was on her bed watching Netflix.
"Whatchu watching?" Nisa asked
"Through my window, and I'm about to go feral cause ares is the finest man UGHHH OMG"
She said rolling around her bed. She looked like an insect that was rolled over they're back and is trying to get back up. Mhm that's how she looked like.
Nisa laughed and joined her.
"I love this movie so much" nisa said.
Sierra was still freaking out about him and she started to blabbing more about how beautiful that man is.
Nisa's POV
I miss Adam.. I really do
Whenever I think of the incident in the locker room I feel my face starting to burn.
I want to feel him again. I want his touch and his breath on my skin.
Without hesitation I decided to call him.
He isn't answering..
*still ringing*
Is he okay?
Huh... weird. Why isn't he answering, he always answers right away.
I took a moment to think about it again and decided to go over to his house.
I got up of sierras bed.
"Girl where are you going?" Sierra asked
"I'm going over to check on adam" I replied and went over to my room to get dressed.
"Okay bae take care" Sierra said as she continued watching Netflix.
I put on some flare pants with a black turtle neck top. Some golden jewelry to make me look expensive and I left my hair open, definitely not in a messy bun cause I am not that type of  "y/n".
I grabbed my purse and jacket and made my way over to his house.
*knock knock*
I stared at his door stressfully waiting for it to open.
The door opened.
It's his roommate.. Connor.
"Oh hey! Nisa right?" He greeted me
"Uh yeah haha, you're Connor right?" I asked with an awkward smile
"Yup. I guess you're here because of Adam?" He asks
"Uh yeah! Is he home?" I answer
"He is in his room, I think he's sleeping" he guesses and let's me in
"Oh thank you, I'll go and check on him" I say making my way to his room
"Okay!" He says closing the door behind us.
I knock on the door. "Adam? May I come in?" I ask before opening the door
No answer
Weird.. I don't know what to do. I look over to Connor and he gives me a confused look.
I decide to take a peek.
He isn't here..
What the fuck.. where is he?
I fully open the door for Connor to also take a look but Adam Is gone.
"What the heck" Connor says under his breath.
Adams room seems kinda messy.
My phone rings. I check to see who it is and it was Adam.
I quickly pick it up.
"Yeah?" He says with a tired tone
"Where the fuck are you"
"I'm at your house! I've been looking for you" I say pissed
"Hey hey don't be stressed, I'm okay I'm at the art Studio."
I sigh and look at Connor.
"Please answer your phone and always keep it on you" I tell him
"Okay, im sorry Baby" he apologizes
Ahh butterflies.
"Also let Connor know where your going okay?"
"K, Are you Talking a lot to Connor?" He asks
" what no why should I?" I ask confused
"Good, now come over to the art studio" he says and hangs up
What the hell?
"okay Connor he is at the art studio"
"Oh, he should've told me" he says relived.
"Yeah, I'm go over to the art studio. See ya around" I say giving him a soft smile and leaving.
"See ya!" He smiles

I arrived at the art studio.
I enter and there he was, sitting working on a amazing looking statue.
I love his art works, so creative and amazing taste in colors.
He turns around as soon as he heard me. He smiles and walks over to me.
"Hey pretty girl" he says pulling me by my waist and hugging me.
Gosh my heart is racing and burning and the butterflies in my stomach feels like as if it's going to explode anytime.
He pulls back and looks into my eyes, he pulls me closer and place a soft kiss on my cheek.
"You're so red, why is that?" He laughs
"What?! Oh uhm uh" I stutter and I quickly just cover my face from embarrassment.
"Don't be shy, let me see your pretty face huh?" He says removing my hands off my face.
I look at him.
" I really did fall in love with you at first glance" he says
He cups my face with his hands and starts to kiss me. Deep and gentle.
"Gosh I missed you" he says between my lips and continues to kiss me.
We both pull away from the kiss and look at each other.
"Wanna see my new work that I'm working on." He asks
I nod and he leads me to his art room.

Heyyy everyone!
I'm sorry I've been very inactive lately and im going to try my best to continue on the story and if y'all like me to add something than let me know!
I love you guys so much and thank you for the amazing sweet comments! And for all the support omg I just love you guys AHHH❤️❤️❤️
Take care everyone and god bless you all❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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