Chapter 2

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Camila's pov
I woke up by the loud yells of my brother Luis

"Camila wake up you don't wanna be late.!!"

It is already September which also means the month school starts kill me now. I really don't have much friends the only friend that I do have is Loren she's been there for me the whole way.

"I'm going Jesus can't let me sleep."

So I got up and got dressed I am in the 10th grade which sucks I go to school with my brother Miguel but he's in 11th and its funny how he is popular I mean how could he not be he's In the football team and all the girls think he's cute. Even with my brother being popular I'm still a loser. No wonder why Jose dropped me just like that.

"Mila are you ready lets go I don't wanna be late."

"Ya I'm going we are taking your car.?"

"Yes let's go."

The drive to school wasn't that long which sucks I wanted the car to break down so we won't have to go or at least be late but no. I got out of the car and said bye to my brother and went looking for Loren finally I saw her Loren is different from me she's really pretty and is social and gets all the guys while I'm just my weird loser self.

"Mila omg I missed you so much how was your summer..?"

"Bad we didn't even do anything."

Then the hall that was filled with teenage kids laughing and talking about the summer turned into silence it was really strange how that happened so quick I turned my head to the door and there he was my ex bestfriend the ass who doesn't care about anyone but himself. Since he's the gang leader everyone is scared of him no one tries to talk to him. Everyone moves so he can get by I don't know why everyone's so scared of him if he won't even do anything he's like a big baby but I know if I told him that I would probably be dead.

(There's a picture of Jose up there^)

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